Saturday, February 2, 2008

When I Get A Cold I Get Herpes In My Nose

Osteopilus Septentrionalis

Who is it?:
Osteopilus Septentrionalis The tree frog is a medium-sized (5-9cm) originally from Cuba
It breeds in large quantities, this has led to a 'infestation of other areas of Central America. The body is slender, pale brown circular spots that can change color because of temperature and time of day. This frog lives in trees where a large amount of hunting insects and other amphibians. Lifespan 5-10years.

Osteopilus Septentrionalis The tree frog is a very lively especially at night. His appetite is insatiable in fact, tends to pounce on anything that can bring in your mouth, so this frog is not recommended to coexist with other species. E 'with irritating skin glands so I suggest not to handle it with bare hands.

The terrarium usually composed of peat, muschio, piante e legni andrà benissimo, ricordarsi di umidificare il terrario frequentemente.
La zona acquatica non verrà usata spesso ma durante i periodi caldi in cui il terrario tende ad asciugarsi in fretta è sempre utile.
La temperatura ottimale si aggira intorno ai 25-28 gradi. Umidità circa 80%,per l'illuminazione diurna consiglio neon non molto potenti per non disurbare l'anmale.

Grilli, tarme della farina, insetti in genere.