Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pokemon Gold Stop Saving


La quinta edizione di PALERMOREMA, la vogalonga non competitiva riservata a tutti tipi di imbarcazione a remi, si svolgerà a Palermo 16 Maggio.

La manifestazione si svolge su un tracciato di 10 miglia (circa 18 chilometri).

La partenza è prevista presso il porto vecchio dell'Arenella, nello specchio di mare antistante la Tonnara Florio dell'Arenella.

Dopo il "Pronti via", si supera il molo esterno del porto grande dell'Arenella, e ci si dirige verso Nord.

La prima parte del percorso attraversa the sea area of \u200b\u200bvillages and Arenella Virgin Mary, characterized by a long sandy beach interrupted only by the majestic presence of tuna Bordonaro.

Passing the Tower of the roll, as soon as the coast becomes rocky start dell'Addaura the area, which borders the Nature Reserve of Monte Pellegrino.

arrived in Punta Priola, head west towards Punta Celesia,, so you cross the magnificent Gulf of Mondello in cutting direction of the village.

turning point in the mirror of the sea off the tuna and the port of Mondello, and return back.

PALERMOREMA is an initiative organized in collaboration with the Italian Naval League Arenella Palermo section, and the scopo di promuovere gli sport della canoa e del canottaggio, riunendo in un'unica manifestazione gli innumerevoli appassionati di queste discipline sportive.
Possono iscriversi tutti coloro abbiano compiuto il diciottesimo anno di età. La partecipazione di minori è consentita dietro autorizzazione di un genitore. Tutti i partecipanti dovranno essere in possesso di certificato medico di idoneità all’attività sportiva non agonistica. E’ obbligatorio l’uso del giubbotto salvagente.
La tassa di iscrizione è di 10 euro per partecipante e dovrà essere versata al momento dell’accredito. Tutti i partecipanti riceveranno la maglietta e il cappellino palermorema.
Per ulteriori informazioni e iscrizioni visitate il sito http://www.palermorema.it./
Alla sezione Download è possibile scaricare la locandina della manifestazione, il regolamento e il modulo di iscrizione. E' possibile iscriversi on-line alla pagina Iscrizioni .
La sede nautica della Lega Navale Italiana sezione Palermo Arenella è a disposizione dei partecipanti dal giorno precedente la manifestazione anche per il ricovero di imbarcazioni. Sono inoltre disponibili un certo numero canoe mono/biposto che potranno essere assegnate - fino ad esaurimento - a chi ne fa richiesta. Eventuali altre esigenze di natura logistica potranno essere sottoposte al Comitato Organizzatore.

Lettervolunteer Hours Completed


The group of kayakers are being equipped with more and more technical equipment to enhance safety, improve equipment supply and increase your comfort on board and on themselves.

Buoyancy Aids


Dry bag
lot of points conical
seat cover
snap hook to the top elastic

Friday, April 23, 2010

Harmful Initiation Ideas


After so much effort and planning, and Sergio Christmas, with the presence of Vincenzo, were guests Thursday, April 22 provincial issuer Telesud Sportsud in the program, important showcase for us to know and disclose the sea kayak in the province.
Among the interventions there was talk of the group, boat, equipment (some of which have in the studio), technology, without neglecting the aspect of navigation and safety standards. Meanwhile, on our words were pictures of our excursions, the different types of kayaking and the coast of Sicily.

Monday, April 19, 2010

How Much Attention Should A Bunny Get?

Restaurant "the Bun" on Piazza Navona

between Piazza Navona and the Cloister of Bramante you can taste the fresh cuisine de La Focaccia . The restaurant prepares a daily basis
gnocchi, cavatelli, ravioli, orecchiette rustic and tasty.
La Focaccia is also a good pizzeria with wood oven and if you do not fidassi expert pizza, you can even pretend to one of them, go behind the counter and dress like you want your pizza, unique and original idea perfect for entertaining the children.
The kitchen is open for brunch at 11 am and closes at half past midnight. The restaurant has four cozy rooms that can receive 100 guests. For connoisseurs, the restaurant also offers a wide selection of liquors and spirits.
If you are reading this promotion on April 19 test to see if you can still get the discount of 60% (€ 6.00 instead of € 15.00), with citydeal, of course! If the promotion is over you will be redirected to another offer CITYDEAL, your city 'IT costs half'
PS make the pizza lunch;)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ringworm Fungus Healing

The pyramids in Bosnia at Visoko

been two years since I worked on the Bosnian pyramids , I am referring to the archaeological site open in Sam Semir Osmanagic town of Visoko, 31 km from Sarajevo, in the middle of former Yugoslavia.
Of course I was not the first to do so, but I think I was one of the last ...
From that May of 2008 I have not read anything interesting about that to me seems like a really exciting discovery.
So I started back at work and went to look for fresh news. I soon made account that the initial enthusiasm for this news, it decreased significantly, no official channel where they are most busy, except me, of course ....
So just go read what the same Semir writes on his site and here you can not draw on some news.
reading the articles that you too can go there to groom (at the end of this post I reported the link) you will also realize that you two years now, very little progress has been made in the excavations. Osmanegich planned to bring to light the 4 pyramids by 2012, in reality it will take much more time, funding is scarce and Semir relies primarily for summer volunteers and himself ... Needless to say
if I had 20 years younger (and less thoughts now that I have a wife and children) I would not hesitate a moment before deciding to answer the call of Semir Osmanegich and forthwith to take the luggage ... I wonder if maybe I can do the same on a trip to Bosnia, I would really like a lot.
The video you can see above is precisely the appeal of Osmanegich desperately seeking volunteers to help in the company in summer 2010.


Navel Piercing Procedure


With good craftsmanship and creativity, the legendary Belice is a DIY "carrelkayak" aluminum with locking straps and big wheels.

Excellent for transporting all possible land, is ready to be stowed on board or attached to the deck.

cost solution and genial view of the prices in the market for branded coasters.
Promise costrutture improve and optimize weight and flexibility of the accessory.
Excellent and well done.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Concession Trailers Canada

2356 photo of an idiot on New York by storm Youtube

Noah Kalina ha deciso di non impegnarsi in chissà quale complicato progetto artistico ed ha preferito concentrarsi su se stesso.
Così, all'insegna dell'ignavia e della pigrizia più assoluta, senza uscire di casa e senza pensare a chissà quale estroverso look accattivante, ha cominciato a fotografare la propria anonima faccia a partire dall'anno 2000 (e questo potrebbe essere l'unico dato degno di rilievo).
Fatto sta che dopo 2356 foto (quasi una al giorno per più di sei anni) ha pensato bene di spararsi su You Tube in un video che oserei definire interessante, nonostante tutto...
L'eccentrico Noah non si è fermato qui, infatti dopo 15 milioni di click sul suo video si è gasato and decided to keep shooting for the rest of his life, maybe you mounted a little head?
But Noah is a photographer looking for visibility, so thanks to this trick is able to make publicity of Madonna, I personally do not really like her photos, I could easily have done, but some are funny, even if you do not have nothing better to pass the time have a look, me after a while I broke the box ....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pimple On Breast Pregnant

Roma visited the Holy Shroud

In the past I've got to write something about the Gypsy populations living in Italy, too often judged by stereotypes.
Today I learned that yesterday, April 13, 2010, a group Roma went on a pilgrimage in the Cathedral of Turin. Accompanied by Carla Osella
president, came under a heavy downpour in the early afternoon, teenagers, families, a large group of Sinti from Cuneo in Piedmont and Turin giostrai. "To ask us to arrange this pilgrimage - explained Carla Osella - were Muslim women. With us today we are also people who live in squatter camps as long Stura Lazio. " (Article taken from lastampa.it /)
the face of news like this one is astonished because we wonder what it could mean a sacred Christian relic for people of Muslim faith, many are angry because they will be considered an act so blatant a provocation, perhaps even in bad taste.
I think if it was a provocation (and no doubt it is), can not be considered in bad taste, indeed it would take one million of such provocations. Unfortunately I do not think that this gesture has yielded impressive, given the little attention given by the news media (I have found out doing some zapping Internautica), however, approve of it and I agree.

Digital Cameras Used In Some Hair Salon

happens that you meet someone who tells you you have 21 years and have lived the last 10 in United States. This guy does the builder-contractor, a real trunk full of muscles but also the brain, its presence is still very disoriented.
In practice when he lived in Miami with his family has learned not to put limits on your dreams, once back in Italy had in mind one thing and has been put into practice.
Now is the associate director of a company that imports products for dietary culture, with a shop in Rome's Flaminio district, and is very well established, lives alone and continues to study ...
What I'm trying to say is that all too often here in Italy we mourn him for all the adversity that we shower on preventing the realization of our dreams. We're whiners, it is difficult to take the lead in our culture the idea of \u200b\u200brolling up your sleeves and start again, if you must then start again from the "VIA" more than once in a lifetime for sure then we get depressed.
I know I did a job of having to reinvent a once in a lifetime, it happened just over a year ago, now I can not complain, but it was tough to have to accept, especially for my family.
Luckily my wife has a job there and we had to ask anyone any favors, but the risk of splitting our family because of an economic downturn there has been significant indeed. The chasm
immobilizes us and frightens us, in times of need can happen che invece di tirare fuori le unghie e i denti per potersi cavare dalle difficoltà ci lasciamo dominare da esse e molto spesso si soccombe.
In America il "Sogno Americano" ha subito un duro colpo in questi ultimi anni. Le cause vanno ricercate nella perdita di sicurezza dovute alle minacce del terrorismo, che punta senz'altro alla destabilizzazione dell'occidente, ma anche nelle scelte avventate degli speculatori, che non hanno saputo frenare in tempo le loro esagerate ambizioni.
Ora dal tunnel si intravede una luce, tanto è vero che gli speculatori si stanno riappropriando delle "praterie" lasciate incolte da chi non ce l'ha fatta ad arrivare fin qui, però "the American Dream" è di nuovo una realtà.
Forse il modello U.S. has no moral and difficult to share our culture, it is certain that from them there is always something to learn, they can metabolize the failures and not to harm never conquered, always fighting for the win ... the face of De Coubertain!

Friday, April 2, 2010

How To Make Your Period Come

American dream "LeLuLò" magnificent lot and pay a little ...

Uellà guys, if you live in Rome and loved the wine bar where you can have a drink near Via Veneto without fainting head to the "LeLuLò", in Romagna, from 20 to 06 9604 8480.
The clock is ticking ... if you're reading this article on April 3 is already too late ...
Now it's nearly 17.00, you still have 6 hours to buy the 50% discount coupon for a dinner of the value of 30.00 Spending only € 15!
Read here what he writes City Deal for sponzorizzare LeLuLò:
The yellow walls are decorated with terracotta bricks to view, create an atmosphere, friendly Nordic, making the restaurant LeLuLò MeetingPoint the wine bar-perfect for a glass of wine or a quick dinner, treated in detail.
addition to lunch and dinner Lelulò offers the possibility, thanks to the fully stocked bar and a delicious buffet, enjoy a good drink from 18.00 to spend carefree hours or during after dinner, before venturing into the Roman nightlife. If you did not
the same time read the offer last minute of the day , there are one behind the other ... long ago were selling movie tickets at € 1.00!