Thursday, December 30, 2010

Married But Found Genital Wart


E' difficile postare quando non fai altro che tossire, porca miseria.
Certo si scrive con le mani, però se hai il Vaio sulle gambe e te ne stai sdraiato sul letto ti balla tutto il monitor, per cui è un casino and that's it! What a crap time, it is cold in a crazy few days ago, burst of heat, it had snowed a few days before ... then it is clear that one is sick!
Tomorrow will be the last year, the foundation for a holiday we are all crap, but do not despair.
Right now we have involved three-quarters of the building and around the New Year celebration is unthinkable to get sick now, no, gosh no!
Our condo is truly a role model, when we fight we do it without brakes, in principle, but we get along, in fact, for 31 we organized a dinner sui generis:
In practice, instead of wearing something in all single appartamento, facciamo ognuno qualcosa e ce lo mangiamo la dove è stato fatto! Una cena itinerante in su per i piani del palazzo.
Si parte tutti a casa nostra con gli antipastini (voulavant assortiti, tartine alla spuma di prosciutto e salmone, uova sode ripiene, insalata russa ecc.), poi si sale al secondo piano e si aggrediscono i primi con pastasciutte varie, quindi, tutti zozzi di sugo partiamo alla conquista del terzo piano, dove troveremo ad accoglierci rustici, arrosti e mangerie varie, al quarto piano ci abbofferemo di dolci, poi, ormai ubriachi e satolli, tutti sul tetto a sparare una guerra di fuochi d'artificio.
Naturalmente ci saranno tanta musica e Karaoke, vorrei anche organizzare un grande gioco della sedia tombolizzato (Practically everyone will be given a number which will be valid for the drawing when the participant will be eliminated from the game of the chair).
After the fireworks, all in search of pork sausage with lentils for now localized in a secret location.

In all this I will make my ham mousse:
Ingredients: 200 grams of cooked ham, 2 tablespoons brandy, 2 tablespoons cream (or milk), 100 g cheese Roman, 100 g mascarpone , salt, pepper
Preparation: Cut the ham into small pieces, frullatelo in the mixer with the brandy, cream, salt, pepper and blend until the mixture is homogenous;
In a bowl mix ricotta, add the whipped mascarpone cheese and ham, mix well with whisk or electric hand.
Let stand several hours in refrigerator.
PS for those who have the ability, the touch of class are the slivers of truffle to put in the mixer along with the ham or left at the stage of flakes mixed final.
Even the salmon:
Ingredients: 150 gr. robiola, 250 gr. mascarpone cheese, 200 gr. smoked salmon, 50 gr. caviar or red lumpfish eggs, 2 tablespoons brandy, 2 tablespoons cream (or milk);
Preparation: Chop the salmon frullatelo in the mixer with the milk and brandy;
In a bowl mix the mascarpone and the robiola, then stir in the salmon frullato amalgamate bene con le fruste elettriche o a mano;
In ultimo aggiungete le uova di caviale amalgamando con una spatola di legno (se la mousse è troppo solida aggiungete un po di latte prima di incorporare il caviale);
Aggiustate di sale se serve (il salmone ed il caviale dovrebbero già aver salato il tutto abbastanza);
Lasciate riposare qualche ora in frigorifero.
La spuma di prosciutto e di salmone si prestano a varie lavorazioni: tortini da mangiare al cucchiaio, mousse da spalmare sui crostini o meglio ancora per le decorazioni di tartine di pan carrè (usando il sac a poche vengono una meraviglia).

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby Congratulation Card Etiiquette

My crib

La foto non rende abbastanza ma vi assicuro che quest'anno il nostro presepio è venuto proprio bene.
Sono convinto che quando ci mette le mani solo Enriqueta viene sicuramente meglio, infatti più lo guardo e più non riesco a fare a meno di pensarlo.
Nell'immagine qui a fianco si vede solo uno scorcio della natività, le statuine sono di terracotta, le abbiamo dipinte io e mia moglie più di dieci anni fa, ce ne sono molte altre, di varia misura per creare effetti prospettici, poi ci sono le case fatte con centinaia di sassolini colorati che abbiamo incollato su una base di cartoncino, poi c'è il pozzo, decine di personaggi in resina piccoli piccoli che affollano la piazzetta con i loro mestieri cristallizzati in time ... a true wonder!
Our crib is the ever unfinished, every year we added something, then I'm sorry a bit 'which for some Christmas in this part of the entries were really little. The time is never enough and traditionally we "work" only on December 8, at most until the following Sunday.
There is also the Christmas tree at home, strictly synthetic, because when we saw dry two or three of us was crying my heart and watch the slow agony, Christmas should be joyous, you can not carry the death home and festively decorated with a thousand luccichini and colored rhinestones!
So spend the holidays, we find people who eat only once you see year, some even less frequently, as our friend Federica, who has since moved to Belgium was a bit 'away from us.
course called the feast is a big word, more like parties are interspersed by commercials dull day, children at home that is strange because they would like to just play and instead must also do their homework, the usual problems that overlap more and more and more My crib ...
its function the place very well, just get close to them every now and see those slices of life from so far away now as we are yet still so real for a few minutes you spend all.
today are like that, I was writing these things to a lot time, I have recently increasingly difficult to carve out a bit 'of time, not because I always do (I'd be lying), only that it is increasingly difficult to evacuate the mind to devote himself fully to the things that give us satisfaction. Moments of deep thinking you're just there to combine the brain without any good there are always many in the day, if only we will recover at least half of those moments would be a great recovery for the quality of our lives.
Waynes wrote (I've already mentioned on other occasions) that the problems be addressed and resolved, it is useless to be there to pre-deal themselves that there is no solution to all our troubles, so if you really ... had better devote himself to something more satisfying. In a nutshell: If you see that the mountain collapsed on him, moved quickly. If not then you have no way out ... best to fully enjoy those last moments. This is true Pinacomedier guys!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Toshiba Satellite Dongle

And as you went to school?

My son knows that, in elementary school I did not go very well in Italian (other subjects better not to talk about their own), I decided to tell her that I first discovered some of my old report card ... That
disgraziatello instead take all 10 for three years now ...
At first my wife and I thought it was a joke, then by several gaffes by the other parents, like, "sure that if the masters of our time were so large sleeve ... eh? eh?" And when, with face incredulous, some of us replied that their son barely reached sufficiency, then I began to realize that my own does not look like me at all L . However
are satisfactions, God forbid!
I have three children (maybe you already know), Jacob is 8 years old and is the largest, but then I also had Isabel and Irene who are now 6 and 4 years. Each of them has the talent in which he excels and I can not complain. After all the premise
get to the point: my wife is English (even if he speaks Italian better than most people I know, including me), then the tasks with Jacopo touch with myself (at least the weekend), and this year some time with Isabel.
Everything went well until Jacopaccio did not start the third grade, after a few days I realized now that its level was already far superior to my inglorious school memories. So live every Sunday with a nightmare (at least in this like me: playing from Friday at 14.00 until 17.00 on Sunday, at the limit of exemplary punishment, and then finally start the tasks after shouts and yells of the whole community, family, grandparents included).
In practice, it is half a farce because he explains things to me, I'll just pretend every now and then I motion that goes well with pedantic air and get along well (my father's stern is a good caricature, I think I'm quite believable).
I'm finally learning things that I did not even know the meaning until recently, a kind of revelation!
One of my worst anguish was the analysis of speech (not to mention logical), but James compared to me seems a little " Garzantine "
... The other day he had to write 5 abstract nouns, concrete and collective. If I stayed quiet he would have written almost everything right, but I wanted to participate and I took the wrong road. Then, seized with fearful apprehension, I checked on the internet and found out that "we" messed around, then ran for cover. With great nonchalance I went to the little child and I suggested to think of some more appropriate word (that nerve), I had prepared myself sticking some notion that (now) seem ferratissimo and I put a patch in the end I was sweaty for shame, damn me. PS
with great satisfaction the day after all the parents were embarrassed commenting that none of them could remember a club of grammatical analysis and all were rebuked by their children (at least I saved my face).
For the record I found this site that explains quite well the Italian grammar (if I understand it ....) RINONLINE

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cheerleading Competition Weave


Come desiderato, Fisher ha comprato il Seayak della Prijon, confermando l'amore per il polietilene e per un mezzo tout-terrain.
Barca si curamente più perfomante compared to the previous Nova, kayaking 4.90 has large storage lockers, safety lines, nets and storage helm.

polyethylene material
4.90 m width. 0.61 meters weight 26 kg

cockpit 88x45 cm
vol. Total 397 lt

equipment: 2 lockers

elastic cap oval door cards and door spare paddle
peaks rigid safety standards second

footrests adjustable backrest Adjustable handles


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

100 Projection Screen

Company of Fossano finalist at European prize for innovation in Stockholm (Source:

They say that nobody is prophet in his homeland. Not so with the firm Fossano "Randazzo Brothers" that is not only a prophet in his homeland but also abroad and has received prestigious awards for an innovative material used in the construction of agricultural bins.

The company, in fact, has used "Domex, an alloy of iron with half the thickness that gets the same resistance than normal. E 'produced by SSAB, the largest European steelmaker based in Sweden. It is used in the automotive sector and, recently, in agriculture. The "F.lli Randazzo" of the case, the adopted on an experimental basis for the construction of an agricultural body has been very successful. The intuition of the company was to solve the problem of course.
"In Europe, the payload is greater than that granted in Italy - Gianni Randazzo explains - in Germany the limit is 40 tons, France of 26, we will reach a maximum of 20 tons, including tractor ". With the iron normally used for constructing the load resistance is 36 kg per square centimeter, with the new alloy is 70 kg using mid-thickness. The material was used on the trailer "TR 70 PP" reducing the weight from 6.1 tonnes to 5.3 allowing for a load of goods exceeding the weight limits being imposed by law. There are only two Italian companies that use "Domex" "the brothers Rand and company Pistoia. Fossano The company won the "Car Innovation 2010" at the agricultural fair in Savigliano and competition in Stockholm among the 60 finalists from around the world for the award "Swedish Star Prize 2010, one of the most prestigious technology awards in the sector at European level. The

Randazzo has a long tradition and experience in building farm: founded in 1960 by William Randazzo and Mandrile Juvenal, the "Mandrile & Randazzo, has changed its name in 1982 when took over in the activity the children of William, Gianni and Giuseppe . Cooperate even just holding Luca and George, sons of the two owners who, like all the teams have passion and ideas for this work. The company employs 18 employees, is among the top 5 Italian business with 180 templates and over the Italian market, exports to Romania, Switzerland, Belgium and Eastern countries.
"Ours is an artisan - concluded Gianni Randazzo - this success would not have been possible without the study, design and construction lavished with skill and passion by all our employees." Luca Randazzo and George flew to Stockholm to attend the prize. "The company that has won the Australian - says Luca Randazzo - n or emotion we had the honor of being among the 60 finalists. They have awarded only four. In Sweden, we attended a conference on new technologies, renewable energy, and visited the plant of SSAB, we are impressed by the technology used and the controls on the material. "

Fossano The company has participated in mid-November to the international trade fair held in Bologna gaining significant support for the use of innovative material.

For article and photos, please refer to the source
(copyright Fossano-finalist-of-the-prize-for-European-linnovazione-of-stoccolma.html