Saturday, March 15, 2008

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Ceratophrys species

Who is it?:
Ceratophrys This is a big frog from South America, most common in Argentina. Can reach considerable size, even 21cm. It is characterized by a large round body, short legs and strong private and agility of the frog. They spend the majority of their time sunk into the ground wet waiting that kill their prey with powerful jaws. They are poor swimmers and enter the water only during the breeding season. The
Ceratophrys is active mostly at night.

Ceratophrys The frog is a very aggressive when disturbed emits strong croaking like the barking of a dog and tries to bite the attacker. It should be handled with care because an adult can do much harm to happen badly. He fossorial habits and rarely travels more than 5-6 cm per year. Do not try to live together with other species.

The terrarium because of his poor motor skills may be relatively small even for a sample flatter. For each Ceratophrys may be fine in a terrarium 40cm x 30cm, height is irrelevant, for a couple at least 50cm in length. The furniture will be Spartan: mostly flat with a substrate of peat, some rocks and moss makes her happy. E 'useless furnish il terrario con tronchi o rami, le toglieranno spazio e non verranno mai utilizzati. La zona acquatica dovrà essere poco profonda e dotata di un filtro, infatti, la Ceratophrys defeca nell'acqua in cui si abbevera, per cui devrete tenerla pulita. Piante basse e cespugliose saranno ben gradite dall'animale. Una lampada riscaldante facileterà la digestione . Temperatura ideale 25-27°C


La Ceratophrys è un rana molto vorace, da giovane va alimentate a grilli, ma, dopo pochi mesi mangerà già i pinky. Man mano che crescerà bisognerà adattare la preda alla sua taglia, il topolino sarebbe meglio che non superasse, come lunghezza, la metà della rana, ne rallenterebbe la digestion. You can feed it to mice, grasshoppers, meat or fish, try to vary as much as possible. Be careful not to overdo the quantity. Too much food or too low temperature of the terrarium can cause intestinal blockage.

Reproduction: In spring

after sending the animal brumazione and having simulated artificial rain.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

When I Get A Cold I Get Herpes In My Nose

Osteopilus Septentrionalis

Who is it?:
Osteopilus Septentrionalis The tree frog is a medium-sized (5-9cm) originally from Cuba
It breeds in large quantities, this has led to a 'infestation of other areas of Central America. The body is slender, pale brown circular spots that can change color because of temperature and time of day. This frog lives in trees where a large amount of hunting insects and other amphibians. Lifespan 5-10years.

Osteopilus Septentrionalis The tree frog is a very lively especially at night. His appetite is insatiable in fact, tends to pounce on anything that can bring in your mouth, so this frog is not recommended to coexist with other species. E 'with irritating skin glands so I suggest not to handle it with bare hands.

The terrarium usually composed of peat, muschio, piante e legni andrà benissimo, ricordarsi di umidificare il terrario frequentemente.
La zona acquatica non verrà usata spesso ma durante i periodi caldi in cui il terrario tende ad asciugarsi in fretta è sempre utile.
La temperatura ottimale si aggira intorno ai 25-28 gradi. Umidità circa 80%,per l'illuminazione diurna consiglio neon non molto potenti per non disurbare l'anmale.

Grilli, tarme della farina, insetti in genere.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

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Caratterestiche natural amphibian

With their slender body and long tail, some amphibians such as salamanders, can be exchanged for lizards and other reptiles. However, this is only a superficial resemblance: there are numerous anatomical differences that distinguish amphibians from reptiles, for example, the bare skin and musk of the first, as opposed to dry and scaly seconds.

External Anatomy:

The skin of amphibians has a vital role to ensure their survival in the first place that protects them from dehydration through an outer layer of keratin , second helping to breathing integrating the function of the lungs, which in general, species that have them are inefficient: it is in fact rich in blood vessels and is kept moist by special mucous glands, so that trade gases with the environment. It is also rich in glands that secrete substances irritating or poisonous used as a deterrent against predators, and contains pigmented cells that expand and contract by changing the color of the skin in order mimetic . teeth and tongue shape varies from species to species and can sometimes be off. In general, the teeth do not have chewing function, but the taking of food, the language, which in some frog species is fixed to the palate before and after, it is often everted and is used to catch small prey such as insects.

often amphibians of the two sexes differ in size and color, also the males may show more than the female vocal sacs, the first finger is swollen and wrinkled skin.

internal anatomy and physiology:

Many devices ( locomotive, digestive, nervous ) anatomy of amphibians are similar to those of higher vertebrates. The skeleton is more robust than that of fish from which amphibians have evolved, and therefore more suitable to support its body out of the water. The muscles varies according to the groups: in urodeles, in which water moves with lithe movements of the body, is quite similar to that of fish, in anurans, however, is such that the long jumps which are capable of.

The breathing apparatus of vary depending on the species and the environments in which they are adapted. The most frequent is that in which the larval stage , aquatic, has gills and lungs of the adult. In some amphibians, however, the gills are retained allo stadio adulto, e in altri mancano completamente sia le branchie che i polmoni; in questi ultimi casi, gli scambi gassosi avvengono esclusivamente attraverso la cute. Il cervello degli anfibi è caratteristico, in quanto ha un cervelletto molto ridotto. Il cuore dell’adulto presenta due atri e un ventricolo; è quindi più evoluto di quello dei pesci, che è suddiviso in un solo atrio e un solo ventricolo.

Temperatura corporea:

Come i rettili, gli anfibi sono animali a sangue freddo; quindi la loro temperatura body varies depending on the environment and is generally much lower than that of birds and mammals. Having to rely on external heat sources, in cold regions amphibians spend the winter in a state of hibernation .

Reproduction and Development:

Most amphibians reproduce in water or high humidity. The eggs, fragile and jellies are usually laid in ponds and swamps. In most species they hatch, giving rise to aquatic larvae called tadpoles . These, with gills, to become adults undergo metamorphosis , ie major changes in the body, both external and internal. Some amphibians, however, reach sexual maturity at the larval stage and metamorphosis should never meet, and this condition, characteristic dell'urodelo Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl ) is called neoteny .

Eating habits


adult amphibians are carnivorous and feed mainly on insects , snails and worms , tadpoles, however, are mainly herbivores. During the metamorphosis from tadpole to adult, so even the digestive system undergoes a profound transformation.


Based on the findings from studies paleontological , amphibians evolved from a group of fish (the crossopterigi ; see Celacantiformi ) with lobed fins and tough at the beginning of the Devonian period . During the dry, probably often in this period, these creatures came crawling from the ponds drained to breathe air with lungs that were equipped with rudimentary, or look for other pools of water where they are established. With the passage of time and then developed a relative independence from the water. Amphibians knew a time of great exuberance during the Carboniferous , but many of them had already been extinguished when, in ' Mesozoic era, appeared modern amphibians. Today the class, though very diverse, which is among the vertebrates has the fewest species. Mainly threatened by destruction of their habitat by man, the populations of amphibians are still decrease.

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The three divisions in the class of amphibians

Who are amphibians?

early Devonian, about 370 million years ago, appear on land the first terrestrial vertebrates, derived from a group of bony fish, the Crossopterigi. These ancestors of today's amphibians (from the greek ANFI dual-bios = life) were anything but independent from the water but on land they had found a place "virgin" to colonize.
expand geological eras saw this strange group of fish that came to form two separate groups: Labirintodonti and Lepospondili. While i secondi, dopo essersi diversificati ed espansi, finiranno per scomparire nel mesozoico, i Labirintodonti daranno origine a moltissimi gruppi tra cui i Temnospondili (gli antenati degli anfibi attuali) e gli Antracosauri (gli antenati dei rettili, che compariranno nel carbonifero).
Fu proprio nel corso dell'era mesozoica che si originarono i tre ordini attuali degli anfibi:

  • Apodi o Gimnofioni (cecilie & co)
  • Caudati o Urodeli (salamandre, tritoni & co)
  • Anuri o Saltatori (rane, rospi, raganelle & co)

Despite so many ages of evolution behind amphibians continue to be linked to the aquatic environment, living in 99% of a life stage larval (tadpole) and one adult who can be completely separate from the liquid .

Below we summarize the salient features of the three orders, however, keep in mind that I'm referring to the systematic use of my time (then date) and will do well to explore these issues and other sources, in fact the current trend is to divide and fragment more and more families, genera and species ... the miracles of genetic engineering!


Among urodeles (about 360 species) enter the collective imagination ... those who have never seen, at least in photography, a salamander? However, these animals reclusive habits and cryptic environments related to "fresh", in fact, unlike the APOD is the anurans, it can be found in the tropics.
met their needs in climate, these amphibians have been able to exploit every ecological niche moving at ease on the ground, the leaves of trees or in the dark without end of the caves. Notable is the example dell'axolotl (tadpole neotenous dell'Ambistoma mexicanum) who decided to remain "child" for life!
Needless to describe their typical form "lucertoloide" and can not give you a few lines in the variety of shapes and colors that characterize this order.


undoubtedly represented the largest group (about 3500 species) and known. They have really colonized every niche on the planet including deserts the Thundra ee! Despite that, in adult form, are the most in percentage released from the water, the anurans are still inextricably linked water for their reproduction, very rare exceptions to those found in previous orders. Just
the larvae of the jumpers are known as "a tadpole" we have all seen at least once: these little balls with tails, and usually omnivorous feeding, makes the phenomenon of metamorphosis even more marked than in congeners whose larvae are already similar to adult.


With approximately 170 species, the order of Gymnophiona colonizes currently living mainly in tropical areas underground. Exactly the subterranean habits mean that this order is flat base, this feature, combined with frequent color ring and eyes reduced or atrophied, makes these boots similar to the "big earthworms. The Apodi are widespread in America, Asia and Africa. All, except the kind that is Typhlonectes water as an adult, living their lives forever sunk into the ground. The

Cecilie have a characteristic sense organ: a tentacle that is normally stored in a special groove in the jaw, between the eye and nostrils. As with snakes in the respiratory activity is linked to only polmone destro, mentre il sinistro risulta atrofizzato. Nonostante l'aspetto "viscido" questi anfibi sono gli unici ad essere frequentemente coperti da piccole scaglie, utili a proteggere la pelle durante l'attività di scavo.
Le dimensioni di questi anfibi variano dai 130 cm della Caecilia thompsoni ai modesti 15 cm della Siphonops hardyi e della Gymnophis parviceps.

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Costriure area emerged

In molti negozi si vede negli acquari di tritoni orrendi pezzi di sughero galleggiante a mo di zattera. Non posso vederlo. Per cui ho inventato 2 semplici modi per creare la nostra zona emersa, ora ve li illustrerò phases.

Zone emerged Steady

  1. put you in a food container in a toxic part of sand (which will not float it) and above the very wet peat for frogs. Cover with damp moss
  2. in abundance.
  3. Place rocks and plants to your liking
  4. embedded in the gravel.
  5. Remember to facilitate their entry ramps and walkways

Zone emerged Mobile

  1. Cut a sheet of plastic as a kind of beach
  2. Paste underneath a slab of cork if you want to do it otherwise if you want to float snap on the rocks as I do not put anything.
  3. With non-toxic silicone aquarium glue as you like pieces of cork to simulate the effect of "bank of the river, leaving a space in the center filling with peat moss and
  4. furnish as you like and you're done!

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Hylia Regilla and Cinerea and arboreal

Who is it?:
frog typical American West (cinerea), California, and the island of Haiti (Regilla) and Italy (arboreal, Meridionalis, Intermediate ). This frog is characterized by a band in black or white cinerea through the eyes and ears that extends throughout the body.
The coloring is extremely variable as well as the skin can be smooth or rough. Several patches of different color to help the tree frog in a perfect camouflage. Total length 2-5cm. The males have the throat of gray pigmented and more flaccid.

Very lively, active both day and night, can make long jumps and has great agility. During the breeding season emits loud calls at midday and at night.
He lives mainly arboreal and rarely descend to the ground.

For a couple of a 40x30x50cm terrarium is more than enough, it is important to develop the terrarium in height with trunks and many complain they can climb up. The substrate is coconut fiber, forest soil, moss etc. Many plants may make it less stressful captivity and help keeping high levels of humidity. The temperature will maintained around environmental legislation, in fact, frogs are mainly located in temperate regions.
important to provide a water supply.

Grilli average.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

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Xenophus Laevis

Who is it?:

The aquatic frog Xenopus is a native of south-central Africa. This frog of the genus pipidae, has a head very depressed, round belly and very powerful hind legs that allow you to swim fast forward and backward. The front paws have four claws slender and short ossee.Vive lakes and ponds with still water or with very little power with the seabed muddy or covered with moss. Size: 8cm male, female 13cm.

Behavior: The Xenopus

so is usually the first few days hiding under or behind the moss plants. Fortunately, once you get used to the new case in a few days. Become very greedy and start to eat all that you give.


While this presents a rather small DIMENSIONS larger the aquarium the better. In fact it is a great swimmer and never goes out of the water and you must provide adguato space for its long swims. On fondo useremo della ghiaia media ricoperta di muchio di java, molto gradito all'animale, e altre piccole piantine. Sassi o altro non sono necessari, ma di certo non sgraditi, fate però attenzione a non riempire troppo la vasca.

Il filro anche se non aiuta a ricreare il suo habitat naturale è utile alla manutenzione della vasca.
La temperatura adeguata è circa 24gradi.


Chironomus, camole, kaimani, pesce o pollo ogni due o tre giorni.

Facilmente riproducibile dopo un periodo di leargo a digiuno a basse temp. (circa 15 degrees) set at optimum temperatures gradually there will be coupling. The eggs are then attached to the furnishings in the bottom. One trick is to reduce the hours of daylight during the brumazione and add a pitcher of warm water for the reactivation of the standard conditions.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Long Should You Leave In A Weave

Pachytriton Labiatus

About me: I
Pachytriton labiatus are big-bellied newts and originating in the mountainous regions of China. They have a long tail very depressed with the characteristic white dash, the trunk and rounded projections similar to the lip to gather food on the bottom. They live at low temperatures in stony streams, each has its own pachytiton stretch of river where hunting, newts are very aggressive and territorial if one invades the territory of unleashed tremendous battles that most often ends with the death of one of the two contenders. Maximum length of 18-20 cm.

My Pachytriton are very territorial unwell. She will turn the fish cleaner (I found one killed in the lair of one of them) and with each other if encroach upon the territory. One lives among the rocks at the top, one of those in the lower part and the third in the cave that I built to hide the filter. Months ago I tried to make my living with Cynops, but it was impossible, just released in the basin have Pachytriton started to bite so I had to change their place. They are mostly aquatic and rarely leave the water.

Because of their territoriality for three PACHY will take at least 60-70 cm from a spa environment will be impossible because as soon as you raise so many in one tank. In fact the Council to divide the tank with stones for long that define the visible areas, and this will help the co-existence. Coarse gravel on the bottom, many flat river rocks to form caves and emerged a small area are essential.
Pachytriton In nature, many plants do not go with rivers so limit yourself to two or three plants such as java or elodea.
Low temperatures are ideal: 18-20gradi

Chironomus and flour moths

Friday, January 11, 2008

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Cynops Orientalis and Paramesotriton Chinensis

About me: I
Cynops Orientalis (Cynops: graco from a dog's snout) newts are cute small size, maximum 12cm, originating in China. They have a rounded body with a tail very depressed. In nature, attended stagnant water and muddy, with no stones. The color is black or dark brown on the back dotted with black and red on the belly (hence the common name of fire-bellied newt)
There are other species of Cynops:
-Cynops pyrrhogaster (Japan)
-Cynops Cynops cyanurus wolterstoffi ... although it seems established that it is extinct in the wild.

Cynops I are very active throughout the day, these are usually mild and easy to adapt. I'm not very hungry, but they easily become anorexic so it is advisable to feed them small amounts of food every day.

raised in a large aquarium with a depth of gravel media, many shelters and many aquatic plants including java, ceratophillum, elodea, etc.. The area has emerged to be provided, as also out of the water to kill bacteria that sometimes aquatic can invade the delicate skin at night is not uncommon to notice them raggonitolati dry. You will need a filter at low power because the Cynops do not like at all the current.
Ideal temperature: 18gradi

Usually Chironomus and moths. Younger birds but prefer the first, wrapping around some Chironomus larvae of small moths will soon learn to recognize the flavor.

After a period of hibernation at 12 degrees about a month or two without food, siriporterà slowly the temperature at optimal levels. The male will begin to cprteggiare which the female will deposit the dpo mating eggs on submerged plants.

The mystery of Cynops terrestrial
often happens that the Cynops just bought refuses to enter the water, this may be due to the stress of transportation, high temperature or simply do not need to dive (no period). Being known to be easier to keep these newts in the water all year round, I can recommend a way to "convince" to enter the water.
Leave the newt on the bottom with only a little water, the way that it is immersed, but raising his head to breathe easily. In the following days to raise the level of two fingers and add a small stone. Continue to raise the level so moooolo gradually get used to the triton high water, helping in the task of administering the food. If you could accelerate the drowning at the animele. Do not rush.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

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Pleurodeles Waltl

Who is it?:
The salamander Pleurodeles Waltl water or English is a newt from large, can reach up to 30cm. Widespread throughout the Iberian Peninsula and in western Morocco. It has a head very depressed, wrinkled skin and yellow dots at 7-9 ribs. The Waltl is fully aquatic. to breathe and is limited to plants that cling to the surface.

Behavior: The
Pleurodeles Waltl newt the quietest of all. Shortly territorial can live with many other species of newts, even in adulthood. It is active mainly at night but also during the day. E 'insatiable so be careful not to overdo the amount of food. Once you get used to human presence, even in nature is easy to find an artificial water reservoirs. Will soon learn to take food directly from your hands.

The subspecies
In many shops masquerading as Walt acquri are sold Pleurodeles Poiret totally similar, but smaller.


Given the large tonnage is the largest acquartio meglio è. Dovrà essere arredato con ghiaia spessa, questo perchè cercano cibo sul fondo, quindi rischiano di ingerire i piccoli sassi. lLa cosa più importante per ospitare i Waltl è la vegetazione. Dovrete costrire vere e prorpie foreste sommerse, le piante più indicate sono ceratophillum, elodea e muschio di giava, inoltre le piante sono fondamentali per la riproduzione. Aggiungere un filtro per tenere pulita l'acqua.

Sono molto voraci e si cibano praticamente di tutto. Io alterno solitamente chironomus congelate con camole della farina vive.

Depongono uova da settembre a giugno. Il maschio si mette sotto la femmina la blocca e da via the coupling.

Personal experience:

Because of their funny face, and their behavior are certainly happy one of my favorite species of newt.

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General Councils

The frog is an amphibian ahahahaha.
is not true that frogs spend most of time in the water like most of the land.
It 'important to have them in hot, humid place.
Spray water at least 3-4 times a day.
Handle with care, several times a fall can be fatal. Food
not overdo it at least 3 times a week.
Note that the temperature does not drop too there is a risk that they go into mist, which is very difficult to manage.

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Bombina variegata and Bombina Orientalis

The two Bombino:
Bombino The frogs are small, the first, widespread in the East: Russia, China etc.. the second, across Europe. They are strictly aquatic, have long and powerful webbed feet, but do not despise some rest on land. They have skin with very rughosa verruchine release substances that can sting, so it is best to handle them with care and preferably with gloves. The Bombina is a very social species so you need to be kept in groups. The group recommended minimum is 3-4. Their common name is Ululone because during the mating period (da maggio a settembre) emettono forti richiami simili ad ululati.
Le Bombine sono attive in qualunque ora della giornata ed amano muoversi molto. Durante l'inverno tendono a sostare sulla terra in estate invece, preferiscono l'acqua. Sono davvero molto agili, dovrete fare attenzione ogni volta che aprirete il terrario c'è il rischio che saltino fuori. Attenzione a non molestarle o a spaventarle perchè non disdegnano a spargere in giro la loro sostanza urticante che può provocare arrossamento delle mani e prurito.

La problematica della troppa diffusione nei negozi:
La Bombina è una degli Anuri più belli (certamenti secondi in confronto alle Dentrobates, but they have their charm), and is easy to farm, are popular in stores. A high demand leads to a large supply famous garden or pet stores but it is known that the amount does not mean quality, in fact many of these frogs are sold sick, not eating or other problems. All this will lead to the death of the animal in a few days.
Bombino Do not buy if: They have a belly-
too swollen. (It does not mean they eat a lot but they probably have worms or parasites) If you have little proprensione
If the colors are dull and the eyes are glassy
If you do not experience any of these symptoms, ask to see if he eats, whether will you be satisfied proceed with purchase.

How to recognize two species:
-Orientalis: Back on the green, red or orange belly.
-Variegata: Back brown, red or yellow belly.

Breeding: Breeding
will be pretty simple. First divide the terrarium with a glass plate, put in a part with the usual peat moss and bark, decorated with lots of cork to create hiding places. The other part gravel surface is not too late to prevent intestinal blockage (when food can be ingested), aquatic plants in abundance and a filter that will help keep the water clear and clean.

drosophilae easier or flour moths.

Personal experience: The three
bombina me that I have all been donated by friends and relatives. The breed in a large aquarium and live in perfect harmony with my and my Waltl Cynops.
Unfortunately she died a short time ago because of his purchase in a place where I give low confidence.

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Kassina senegalensis

Who is Kassina?: The
Kassina senegalensis is a common frog in the grasslands of Senegal. She loves the warm, humid climates. It has large eyes with vertical pupil, not webbed feet short and thin (this indicates his lack of ability in swimming, moooooolto low, I recommend total avoidance of the wetland except in the breeding season), but with little say on the adhesive discs that do not guarantee a hold on shrubs and trees. The color is usually brown sand with three stripes down the back, but can sometimes esssere greenish or dark blue. During the breeding season swells the vocal sac and emits the typical verse, recalling the explosion of a bubble, "Buik Buik."

Behavior: The
Kassina is strettamete night and loves to copy the habits of Dyscophus, or remain hidden under the moss or mud. But certainly at night trasforna. Becomes very active and tends to walk rather than jump or climb. The senegalensis is certainly easy to keep: it remains small, maximum 6 cm, is very voracious and very resistant to bacteria. The only foresight to reserve will add a heat lamp at low voltage. They are still frogs of the bush!

Breeding in terrarium:
A small terrarium is fine for a couple, but no more than two because at night they move a lot and need space. The substrate will be different this time than usual: in addition to peat, bark and moss you have to sprinkle the soil with a layer of sand or take a small sandy area. The sand makes the soil softer and the frog loves to dig small holes to hide them. As furniture is fine all wood, plants, shelters and so on. because due to its low weight and its poor ability in climbing will not destroy anything! Then spaced with imagination! As mentioned above a pool of water must be added only during the breeding season.


usually feeds on crickets and meal moths

Personal experience: I purchased my

boy of Kassina recognizable voice for the big bag) in my usual beloved shop exotic! She now lives with me a few months and say that we are still aware of ...!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

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Phrynohyas Resinifictrix (Amazonian Milk Frog) and Litoria

About me:
you know? Honestly I know little of their habits. They live in the forests of South America, mainly in trees as arboreal species. They earned their nickname because of their milk-white color with black streaks. In addition there is the typical eye with a black cross over. All this makes it one of the most fascinating species I have ever bred.
They are mainly nocturnal but also during the day are very active, love to scamper and jump from branch to branch of the terrarium and spend much time perched on the broad leaves to warm up the rays of the heater. They feed at night, however, closely and I happen to admire very few times during a meal, more sono decisamente fuggitive! Ogni volte che il terrario è aperto salgono fino al bordo in pochi istanti! Di sicuro questa loro propensione alla fuga non si manifesta per via delle scarse condizioni del terrario, ma per via della loro indole attiva e curiosa. Non è raro infatti che si raggruppino su una foglia a fissarmi quando apro il terrario per dar loro il cibo.

I fantastici colori:
Il bianco striato di nero, gli occhi con la croce nera, la pancia e la parte sotto delle zampe blu chiaro! Cosa volete di più???

Allevamento in cattività:
La loro dimensione massima è di 5cm per cui ho deciso di ospitarne tre in un terrario di 40cm x 25cm x 60cm con il solito strato di torba muschio e corteccia, per mantenere alto il tasso di umidita. L'arredamento deve essere composto da: corteccie e sassi in abbondanza per creare nascondigli( essi sono necessari , ma non temete, amano molto muoversi per cui sarà facilissimo osservarle) come piante invece, consiglio photos e altre piante dalla foglia larga. La temperatura non dovrà mai superare i 28°C e mai scendere sotto i 20°C. La parte acquatica però dovrà essere necessariamente poco profonda perchè amano innergersi nell'acqua solo fino alla testa.
Per completare l'opera aggiungere intricati grovigli di rami e arbusti.

Purtoppo le Milk accettano solo microgrilli appena nati, non sempre di facile availability.

Do not be nasty to me but. I know nothing! I risk writing nonsense!

Personal experience:
After entering the pet shop my favorite Max (one of the owners) said, "It 's got one thing for sure you do not care!" I turned and saw! Milk and Little Frog jumping! How wonderful I thought! The next week (just put together the money) I bought three hours I do as a collector's display of jewelry boasts one of its most precious stones!

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Litoria cerulea Infrafrenata

The breakers: These

two tree frogs are by far the largest of their kind, in fact the first r add a maximum size of 12cm to 14cm and the second one almost twice as common tree frog of the genus Hyla. They are distributed mainly in the forests of Australia ', but can also be found in South Asia. The tree frogs Litoria are strictly arboreal, or spend most of their lives in the trees, down to earth riprodusi or sometimes just to find food. Unlike a frog fossorial habits, this frog hunt their prey, is able to make great leaps.

How to distinguish?:

They are recognizable facilmete because the Litoria infrafrenata has legs and a colored white line there from the mouth to the middle belly. Lior and more waxy rather stocky and lacks the white line .

The breakers are strictly nocturnal, day prefer to stay hidden in crevices in the ground or on trees, so in your terrarium will be difficult to enjoy them during the day but the evenings are very active and thanks to their considerable weight can disstruggere in a few minutes of your long hours of work devoted to furnishing the terrarium, so be sure to firmly attach the wood and branches. The Litoria can change color like chameleons per mimetizzarsi se minacciate nella vegetazione circostante.

Allevamento in catività:

Per le mie due litorie uso un terrario da 6ox50x70, infatti esse si muovono molto e hanno bisogno di grandi spazi. La soluzione migliore sarebbe un terrario sviluppato più in altezza che in lunghezza. Come al solito sarà necessario uno strato di torba, corteccia e muschio. La cosa più importante sarà posizionare legni e tronchi che attraversino il terrario formando delle diagonali. Come già detto amano arrampicarsi per cui evitare di fare un groviglio di rami, c'è in rischio di bloccarne i movimenti. La parte acquatica dovrà facilitare l'uscita e l'entrata degli anfibi e dovrà essere pulita regolarmente. Come piante consiglio quelle rampicanti che danno un effetto molto naturale. Evitare posizionare molti oggetti nella parte alta del terrario, di giorno tendono a nascondersi in alto per cui molto arredamento come: vasi, legni ecc. possono ferire la Litoria.
Dovrà essere costituita da grilli e kaimani.


Uova in acqua in primavera e estate.

Come riconoscere il sesso della Litoria Infrafrenata:

Nel maschio le zampe anteriori sono rosa o viola scuro nella femmina sono white or yellow.


Using a neon tube to 14w.

Personal experience:

The breakers were given to me by my girlfriend as a Christmas present, unfortunately, was not the best time because due to the cold, mist, and the time setting my two Litoria to move beyond just had stopped eating. As if that were not enough experts to friends asking for advice I've added a whole heating lamp to increase the temperature but the thermal shock resulting from a sudden change in temperature has virtually knocked the tree frogs. Then I moved the lamp out of the terrarium, now the temperature is optimal and are reborn as. They eat and constantly jumping. Prorpio are satisfied !!!!!!

The Litoria can coexist peacefully with all the frogs (but be careful not to make them live with frogs too small to avoid competition for food. The small ones are sure to be favored ) perfectly suit the species Ostiophillum.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

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Card Training: Introduction Dyscophus Guinet

The tomato frog:

The Dyscophus Guinet, called the tomato frog, for its bright red color (unfortunately not in captivity develop the beautiful colors of an animal in freedom). Actually this is a subspecies of the true tomato frog Dyscophus Antongilli protected by CITES and therefore not tenable penalty fines salty.

This frog, widespread in Madagascar, lives in forests with high humidity (70 to 90%). The tomato has

fossorial habits, or like to stay hours building sunk into the ground and under the moss, waiting for the right moment to ambush its prey. the Dyscopus does not have great agility, rather it has its own, so this is the only way to procure large quantities of cibo senza molto sforzo aiutata anche dalla lingua simile a quella dei camaleonti.


Questa rana si muove poco, veramente poco e soprattutto di notte, per cui sarà difficile osservarne le movenze, in compenso però mangia a qualunque ora del giorno e i maschi se accarezzati emettono un simpatico suono simile ad un trillo. Se molestate tendono ad alzarsi sulle zampe anteriori, gonfiare la sacca vocale ed emettere i tipici suoni.

Allevamento in cattività:

Un terrario di 50cm per 30cm, sarà sufficiente per una coppia in quanto mole reduced from 13 to 18 cm and their lack of movement. Place a substrate of peat and fir bark excellent materials to keep moisture, Tittie plenty of moss and pieces of cork to create hiding places. It will be important to a deep water area and no motion to make that easier access to get wet as they pleased, the water area should be cleaned every two days since the Dyscopus moltittudine defecate in the water so the bacteria that will be created can lead to the death of frogs. The plants will also help them to get the appropriate levels of moisture, I recommend photos, ivy or similar (the plants are not strictly necessary since it carried no frogs climb). Then at your leisure You can add wood, stones or other, and paying attention but not prevent movement of the animal.


My tomato agree to everything but mainly crickets moths and sometimes would be better to dust the prey, which will be strictly live, calcium powder, available in every store of reptiles .


Unfortunately, not having had direct experience in this field can only say that lay eggs in summer in water mist after a period of fasting.

Personal experience:

Le ho acquistate in un meraviglioso negozio di rettili a Milano. Colpo di fulmine. Dopo averle viste ho avuto l'impulso di allevarle e........sono contentissimo di averlo fatto! Sono insieme alla litoria cerulea le mie rane preferite e grazie alla loro fame insaziabile e il loro passo buffo non smettono mai di darmi soddisfazione!

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Ciao a tutti,
sono un ragazzo di Milano con l'insana passione, a volte esagerata e sempre senza limiti di allevare strani anfibi e insetti.
La mia passione risale alla mia infanzia quando catturavo i girini negli stagni montani (in modo assolutamente incosciente in quanto vietatissimo dalla legge ma, per via della mia giovane età ne ero totalmente the dark) to breed them for a short time and then bring them back in their natural environment. Then in a shop in Milan looking through the animals 'strange' I came across a Axololt the amphibian said the eternal child (urodeles which I will devote ample space in fututo) its feathery gills in the eyes of a child seem wonderful and fascinating but with a hint of the forbidden, poisonous and rare .... fairytale. My passion, my parents buy junk dell'Abystoma mexicanum, faded until last year when my mother gave me a pair of Pachitriton Labiatus, triton Chinese readily available in aquarium shops.
From there it exploded all my passion and my irresistible urge di saperne di più su questi stupendi animali!
Infatti dopo aver acquistato numerosi libri e manuali le mie serate casalinghe sono totalmente dedicate alla manutenzione dei terrari(ci tengo che tutto sia perfetto) e allo studio approfondido, che spazia dalle schede di allevamento, all'atonomia, ai metodi di riproduzione.

La mia passione di certo non finisce qui e sono sicuroche le mura della mia cameretta riusciranno a fare spazio ad altri piccoli animaletti!

Cari lettori mi ha reso molto felice scrivere in questo sito! Finalmente esiste un manuale sugli anfibi come l’ho sempre cercato! Gli anfibi sono animali meravigliosi e facili da allevare, ma come tutti gli altri animali meritano rispetto and should not be overlooked or should not become the passion of a moment, can give you great joy and make us feel proud because one of the most beautiful things in the world is when my Sofferenzio timid, caressing and is leaving to take the food directly from my hands!