Friday, January 9, 2009

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A file Occidozyga

Who is it?:
L ' Occidozyga Lima is a small frog of the family Dicroglossidi originating in Indonesia and known for his skills as "floating." Abbastaza rare (unfortunately) in our stores, looks like a small frog than 3cm, color reddish haze with eyes positioned on top of his head.

The special position of the eyes makes this one frog to float with the body completely submerged by surfacing only the top of the head. Not hardly ever comes out of the water except during dry spells that goes to winter in the mud. The Occ. is nocturnal and extremely shy temperament, great swimming and predator.

The terracquario:

Thanks to its small size, the shrine should not be eccissivamente great for three or four pieces will fit an aquarium / terracqaurio of 40cmx25x25. Personally I prefer to take these cute frogs set up very simple gravel from the river, with many aquatic plants just below the water level (which will be to lean to breathe). The photos or anubias going very well. With the addition of cork floating possimo emerged on the one hand ensure that the frog can rest, although it will be very rare to observe dry.


Crickets, moths, bloodworms.


Coming from tropical environments, the temperature should be around 26 degrees. With decreases in winter and a few degrees more in the summer.


is not helpful to the frog, but only to the plants. Council also provided to create a balance of day and night.


I do not have much information about it, but I think to take place after the rainy season.

Occidozyga Lima
The frog is a very nice and fun, perfect for beginners. Too bad that is rare in the stores ... I bought my duplicate in a garden about a year ago.

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The paludarium:

paludarium A is the best solution if you want to host amphibians that spend their lives both in water and on shore.

I used an aquarium 60cmx40x40h. At the center I have 4 pieces of silicone coated glass to create a kind of pot that I filled with river sand on which to place the stones that make up the area emerged. On the left side I have accumulated other stones, then covered with sand to facilitate the transition to ground water to the animals. I like plants used in idrocultura photos, anubias and java moss.

The land part: I used

forest soil and moss alive. Roots, rocks and plants are dens for the animals. The waterfall is made up by the emerged part of an old turtle, this allows me to keep high humidity.

The water division:

How I used gravel from the river bottom where I have plants and moss.

Filtration system:

Internal Filter 240l / h so as not to create too much current (everything is connected to the waterfall so you do not have puddles of dirty water in different niches, thus avoiding the formation of harmful bacteria.)

Lighting: 14w fotostimolante
