Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Take In Pants That Are Too Big

Rome Lazio, the Derby is at hand! AMA

"Un popolo dovrebbe capire quando è sconfitto", da Il Gladiatore

Molti staranno pensando che l'ora della rivincita laziale è ormai giunta...
Io so che invece non è così, i laziali sono sempre convinti di vincere il Derby, la differenza tra noi e loro è che noi li vinciamo...
In fondo la storia continua a ripetersi proprio per questo semplice algoritmo: la sindrome del perdente è dura a morire.
Domani scenderanno in campo Totti, De Rossi e Vucinic, non c'è quindi bisogno di aggiungere altro: rassegnatevi!.
Dal sito ecco i convocati di domani:

Non è boria romanista, è semplicemente tradizione, domani aggiungeremo un altro Derby in bacheca, è solo questione di ore.

Names Of All 493 Pokemon

Basic Canoeing Instructor Course

The Italian Naval League Section Palermo Arenella, "National Training Centre instructors canoe kayak base UISP Acquaviva, organizes courses to obtain the qualification of instructor Base Area Canoe & Kayak Acquaviva / UISP. The course is structured in three days, will have 32 hours of training (of which 8 are on-line), and alternate between theory and practice will be held at the naval base dell'Arenella. The course will take place in the days of '15, 16 and 17 April 2011.

Lectures will alternate with practical lessons, and trying to explain in an analytical way of drills and teaching techniques of canoeing.


Vincenzo Stuppia: Editor of the course. Master FICK sea canoe, canoe instructor UISP marina, sea kayak instructor FICT / coast.

Jerome Lo Monaco: FICK Coach and Trainer CIP

Catherine Terms: Psychologist, professor of sports psychology Italian Swimming Federation.

Duration: 32 hours (including 8 of online training)

Fee: € 250 + 32 (membership LNI)

For info: contact Vincent Stuppia cell: 331 370 6581

Repair Dripping Mono Sink Mixer

Fair of Agricultural Mechanization Savigliano 18 - March 19 to 20

As every year the company will be exhibiting at Randazzo of agricultural mechanization in Savigliano (CN). Last year we presented the TR 70 PP Domex, and this year we could not break the tradition of introducing new models, so we invite you to discover the new trailer Randazzo Enterprises, under which you can see the shape and sense what it is ...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beautiful Agony Brazil


Often I return to the teachings of My source among the most important technical external Maestro Luis Carlos Valois .

The magistrate provided to the Amazonian Jiu-Jitsu - or perhaps I should say the opposite-his visit to italy colony of those who scoffed superaccademia complained of not having the full sample and therefore could not progress well in the study of suave sparring partner because of missing value and the like. He said that when he did an apprenticeship in the judiciary was, ahilui, for use in a non-place of the forest, a prefecture forgotten by God among the natives. Which was then driven away by the ambitions of powerful career out of Academia Carlson Gracie Copacabana, he found himself in a land where the name was unknown Jiu Jitsu with the water for washing.

Young Valois, however, do not lose heart and created a bracket lottatorini grass, teaching Frugoli scalzignudi of the village, which had set up a "tatami" about half a river dock. Oh, we do not believe but the 'training' which produced this led him to win the championship that year Brasilero. How, tell our readers? Exactly the same thing that spoiled italiucci asked the astonished Roman mestre rushed to the seminar.

The teacher shrugged and said he had never learned more than during the chore of paesucolo cue stick. By observing children, we pointed out, had discovered movements e 'tecniche' che loro inventavano dal niente . Certo Valois non è un tizio qualunque, si parla d'una durissima cintura nera di Carlso n capace di farsi rompere il braccio da Renzo Gracie pur di vincere il titolo, e fin qui ok. Nella sua storia però c'è una verità profonda. Il Jiu Jitsu è fondamentalmente un'arte con pochissimi assoluti dogmatici, e per impararlo davvero bene bisogna ritornare bimbi, dentro. Si deve provare l'entusiasmo infantile per questo stupendo gioco e rilasciare la maschera da uomo assennato per godere lussuriosamente senza freni inibitori della orgasmatica frenesia del lottare ludicamente con un'altra persona.

When we still feel a little callow arrogance about ourselves, we are equipped with a malleable mind and let the creativity flow. If placed in the ideal conditions to express ourselves genius appears . As you know perfectly well that the Jiu Jitsu is a natural mode of expression, modeled directly on a soft and tumbling to move young children, thereby providing one of the highest mobility of the human race. No surprise then that a talented Jiu Jitsu which was Valois, had a series of amazing insights in front of his shrewd eyes coaching the Indians minorenni.

Questo però non spiega la vittoria agonistica, e contro i mostri carioca.

Io mi sono dato una spiegazione, seppur del tutto diversa da quella che lo stesso Carlos dette (le innovazioni etc.).
Credo che nella sua 'missione civilizzatrice' di maestro jitsuka il buon professor abbia espresso un Jiu Jitsu puro e cristallino quanto mai prima nella sua vita. Il buon Valois , sincero amante della lotta e dell'insegnamento, maybe he (and perhaps repeat it) in those conditions disagiatissime the opportunity to meet a child enthusiasm, clear skies and boundless as the 'Amazon . What on earth could drag the sums peaks of art man, accustomed to the best academy in the world but a swirling flow of energy? It was the joy and wonder of the children loved the discipline to move like a tornado, lavish him with his best Jiu Jitsu, and the thing has clearly helped.

In the child's future, literally.

Tocca a noi tecnici risolverci a capirlo. Senza i bambini il futuro non esiste, neanche nel BJJ . Lo sviluppo dei corsi per i piccoli è di primaria importanza, e non solo per creare un base solida di praticanti. Il lascito meraviglioso, vorrei dire divino , che la nostra disciplina può consegnare agli esseri umani va diffuso nella maniera più proficua, e cioè passandolo a coloro che meglio lo possono recepire, i nostri under14.

Il mio carattere sognatore mi porta a immaginare un' Italia dove la sudditanza alle potenze occupanti sia finita e i costumi siano mondati da quelle forme assassine destruction of the will of individuals to their taxes (like the disease of calcium), a country where fighting is a compulsory subject at school and in which-instead of arrays calciat-tori-the noble fighters primeggino in admiration of the crowds.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seven Seas Creamy Italian Dressing Recipe

Containers ... nobody wants them in the boxes!

The subject today is clear: the many problems that creates waste disposal there is also the issue of placement of rubbish bins in urban areas.
Anyone with more than 30-40 years should remember that once the garbage bins were significantly smaller than today. I do not think the size of the containers depends only on the number of "users", we all know, rather than the "garbage" per capita we produce today is vastly more abundant than last time, this is because we are more "evolved" and therefore perfectly integrated into the vortex with S UMIST.
disposable, disposable, disposable .... and you get a lot of junk that you do not know where to put it.
But the problem now is another. By the need to have more and more capacious and numerous containers we find these huge sarcophagi of the modern era just below our windows.
From here you could even resign, but the bins are never alone, at best, at least three ... paper, plastic and generic!
Everyone knows that their height is almost that of a grown man, three bins in a row occupying the space of a small truck, then if you place them at the door the home you're practically under siege.
I'm actually telling the Roman, I am aware that among the many problems that plague my country is a quisquillia, however, creates discontent in a time when there is little to be happy if you can avoid at least the minor inconveniences may everyone gains in health.
Of course we are trying in every way to reason with the institutions, we think everyone in my building the same way (at least on this topic), so far we have answered "niet" But the hope of being understood, is hard to die.
First I called the AMA, the operator told me the protocol for opening and I anticipated that the response was negative. Not happy I have also sent an email referring to the WADA always call. Then I wrote to the municipality of Rome II, by email addressed directly to the president.
The only answer I got the AMA, after 3-4 days, I called an operator who informed me that our request would have been left unanswered, giving me the following explanation: there is a municipal resolution banning the placement of opposite the shops, especially if the food business administration. There are other special grounds. Indeed there is an agreement between the AMA and the municipalities with a precise indication of the latter by the exact positioning of each box.
Then someone behind a desk has decided to position the three boxes you see in the picture, just in front of our door!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Fast Can A Sunfish Sail


was thinking these days on a brief conversation I had with Fred ( Tisi ) on a discipline unrelated to the fighting arts. In his passionate defense of this method which he analyzed the Careca has highlighted a focal point: open source is .

Carried by Wikipedia :
" O pen source (termine inglese che significa sorgente aperto ) indica un software i cui autori (più precisamente i detentori dei diritti) ne permettono, anzi ne favoriscono il libero studio e l'apporto di modifiche da parte di altri programmatori indipendenti. Questo è realizzato mediante l'applicazione di apposite licenses .

The collaboration of several parts (usually free and spontaneous) allows the final product to achieve more complexity than it might get a single working group. "

s'attaglia The question for me perfectly to the martial arts.

The arts are the fossils' the antithesis of open source. Being born and developed as sects ( by Latin secta that is separate, disconnected) are closed-source . The Maestrone galactic existed whether or mythical figure, is that he knew everything, the perfect and unattainable. The priestly caste of religious commentators who interprets the legacy then of course this figure is derived Iperuranio absolute power over what and how should be taught. The cult martial is beautiful 'is ready, a product of market size on the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the bourgeoisie in search of psychic security outside themselves. Truth dwells in the mouths of steel Illuminati, and the more the adept becomes depersonalized and sells his soul to the group, has more chances to climb the ranks of the elite theologians style that leads the pack of zealous.

But so are all the arts of Mars?

No. I would say that the truly martial, that is interested in combat, they are indeed open-source, or tending to it. The events of Jiu Jitsu Brazilian I studied is exemplary. This discipline was born of miscegenation that made the Mitsuyo Maeda Judo, Jiu Jitsu of Fusen taught as Kodokan Judo Ne waza and Catch Wrestling encountered on the street. The Count Koma itself as a professional fighter, not as a media innovator, and we know that the pro fighters do not have time to waste with the absolute categorical, so was concerned mainly the efficiency of more than bowing to archetypal figures.

Japanese fighter from the source-code is expanded to the bellicose Gracie family , talented and hot heads. While in others the "successor" to the mega-founder Maestrone you chose based on who had eaten a snack several times with the Supreme, the Gracie is with everyone and spread menavano this mentality everywhere in Brazil. As in the Jiu Jitsu has only one that works, even revered figures like Carlos and Helio can not prevail over that of impersonal forces such as gravity, the real mother of A suave rte. The fact is that within two generations of infectious disease BJJ has expanded to five continents, and is genetically art open-source software. Masters, Maestrini and Maestroni bloom a bit 'everywhere, good and less good, but what relevance they have there and then there is not one - and never will be, an owner of the software.

Thousands of tournaments, fights in cages and simple Fights gym every day they run the program, and millions of minds as defined wikipedian contribute to a slow, albeit not straight, the progress of the product. The armlock 'absolute' is not covered, it is noted and copies what works best, and if there is no perfect technique means that an even better is possible. The infinite, unlimited, creative capacity of the human mind is at work in Jiu Jitsu and other arts functional then open. To cite one example: a friend of mine told me about a seminar USA Royce Gracie of the moments of its highest pinnacle of fame. It happened that at this event is attended by an instructor of fossil art, totally unable to fight, as Royce the knot as a piece of spaghetti and you could make a mockery of the poor fossiluomo, good tradizionaloide showed the Brazilian-defined by many a conceited son of a snooty- hand position in defense of the collar that Royce did not know and who considered brilliant. The fantasy football took the stranger and did so by turning the room with him taught to all participants his technique!

I have a teacher that I admire and respect, but as he is constantly looking for technical sources to improve my game. Seminars, rallies, gare ma anche video e libri, chiacchierate con colleghi e pure piccole malizie osservate nel randori di bimbi e cinture bianche: tutto contribuisce alla riflessione e al ripensamento del mio software, in costante interconnessione col pianeta insomma. C'è da dire che se non provassi ininterrottamente le ispirazioni e novità con vere lotte, perdendo spesso, tutto quanto suddetto resterebbe a livello di onansimo mentale o tutt'al più bieco collezionismo tecnico. Invece a me il Jiu Jitsu m'ha insegnato il piacere di non sentirsi mai appagati, mai perfettamente edotti, fallibili e sempre pronti a perdere anche col primo venuto. Nel Jiu Jitsu l'insegnante lotta coi suoi allievi, e perciò a volte perde . Questo ci consente di rimanere coi feet on the ground and also to avoid drifts in good faith, because when you exit from your palestricolo minute space and go tournaments at the butterflies mental dissolve and you suddenly, thanks to Zeus, right on the floor. This attitude is so open also produces a curious phenomenon jitsuisitico tourism, as it is fashionable to bring your kimono on vacation and go to academies stranger to discover exotic ways to practice our art. In the land of the original style, Brazil plague me pretty well but I made so many friends and gained a little respect for our Italian Jiu Jitsu, no one is ergesse to "heir to the sacred school of Hokuto" indeed, they were all ready to steal the look with any strange gringo had found that the extract from the cylinder (although it surely was not my case).

In my house it quotes the proverb: "Whoever looks is derived" and therefore I find it quite natural that on our tatami is totally inconceivable to give a laiducci large string of characters and slippery, devoted to flattery and a little practice wrestler. It enforces only those who fight well, those who teach well, who fights well, according to the results that is practical, real. A great-grandson of Helio Gracie for us can be a curiosity perhaps, but certainly If the carpet is moving like a drunken hippopotamus will spin if not none.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hypoallergenic Condoms


In February this cold and windy, the group members compete in various activities waiting for better times for new releases and to instruct Daniel "Swimmer" new writing.

Youngsters continue to work in the gym, getting ready for the season and for the next course instructor UISP canoe base.

Captain, taken by the spirit of seafaring, is preparing a tow rope knotted, elastic cushion, floating hook "paddle".

continues storing the Prijon of "Fisher" in which we vex to arm the best. With the indispensable help of Captain, the peaks were included security in the bow, aft of the cockpit new hooks, new flexible carrier and a retina at the bow. Fixed Tighten the hook for the strings of the backrest and the florets at the edge of the well governing the raised helm, see the next request a change on the line of the pedal that controls the steering.

Meanwhile, comes news of the purchase of the Valley Nordkapp PE Gianluca boat of 548 cm and fully equipped.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Constant White Discharge Week Before Period


"Hello Mario,
are scarce but a regular practitioner of boxing and follow le MMA dalla loro nascita e da sempre mi ha richiamato l'attenzione la pochezza della preparazione pugilistica dei contendenti.

Se togliamo l'Alessione nazionale,che affezione degli spiumini alle mani a parte,è l'unico che sappia veramente boxare,gli altri sembrano tutti dei brawler da bar...
Avendo fatto qualche lezione qua e là di lotta e bjj non mi so spiegare se la mancanza di preparazione nella boxe derivi dalla differenza di postura imposta dalla lotta o dalla mancanza di tempo per allenare questa distanza.
Tu che sei sicuramente più experienced than me and many can you explain why virtually no one in cages hold a decent guard and can carry a hat-trick worthy of the name? Among other things, are all athletes, not the monster it would take much ...

Thank you in advance.
Marco. "

Based on this interesting question asked by the reader of the blog by asphyxiation with my other considerations to freewheel.

" You can not pre-conceive what you can not con-ceive " is a maxim that every man in the world should be repeated in the mirror every morning, always remember how the ' eye of the beholder to be wrong 99.99% of the time in the evaluation.

The friendly Mark is a fighter, look at the MMA but not with the mind sees what is happening. Shows that everything in his scheme, consider an activity which has no direct experience or specific training. His is a demand not only legitimate but also interesting, and I thank him of having done, I'm not denigrating. I too many years years ago when I was a student of boxing and the striker had the same impression, and it took me the predictions and the finalization taken on my Pellacchia to really understand what my teachers were teaching me a voice.

I remind you that I wrote hundreds of articles to explain how the fight is not only the basis of every human being, by definition, unarmed combat, but also why in the case of MMA Anti-feet and the ground-is the dominant part of the bouquet of skills you need to win. Recently, I also explained how the current dominance of Wrestling is determined by regulatory reasons as well (gloves, rounds, etc. need of TV.). Will however be sufficient to analyze the samples of the main curriculum and the course of the match more significant to understand that dominates the MMA grappling for a good 70-80%. The best striker in the octagon are - with a few honorable exceptions such Anderson Silva - paradoxically converted all grapplers. It is a fact of life, as it is a fact that boxing's past success with the cage there are none. Why? All this seems even more absurd when you see how important the skills Boxing nel determinare vittorie e carriere nelle MMA, e di quanta enfasi si ponga nel ricercare i migliori professionisti del settore per migliorarsi da parte dei campioni.

Ricapitolando: la Boxe conta sempre di più nel 'mixed' però i pugili fanno figure barbine e i megacampioni, iperallenati nella Noble Art e superseguiti dai migliori coach di Boxe s ulla piazza non incidono questa gran impressione sulla retina dell'appassionato. Perché?

It 's the fight standing where he is going to decide the match, the wrestling keeps down the striker and the jitsuka, then, is the meta-ability to read the three aspects of MMA, and it is difficult at this point understand how the athletes from this mode are the most numerous to make a good impression caged. However, this does not explain why good amateur pugilotti not inundate the ranking of the minor leagues learning to fight in the academies, and above all does not tell us why the Supercampione (from better trained teachers) do not show the most beautiful of the simpering technique which indeed are capable training.

I have already explained, grappling is not a sp rt or , not only learned a technique but a real natural instinct, which encode wrestling and nothing else. Hitting the other hand is a skill that only a small part of the innate and then anchored it to be imprinted from an early age behavior that is artificial and the other fixed sull'allontanare. A great boxer as a great grappler, someone who trains as a child, but the habit of clinch and roll around with others if repressed childhood after it is almost impossible to re-initialize the adult. I like all the coaches I know from experience that any good wrestlers are taught acceptable smattering of striking in a short time, while an almost desperate to be able to install a passable job of fighting a seasoned boxers. The physicist, the motor patterns of the grapplers are light years above the conversion work in mixed, and then pure boxers, technicians will always be few in the octagon. Fighting for the human being is 90% combat, the man is a natural grappler, you know.

Due to an apparent technical progress the sport, when the dominant styles of the fighters-down and become good wrestlers jitsuka able to project well-it is obvious that something more than the that will in excess from the basket, and then striking! Samples must therefore learn to move and to exchange loose like a good boxer, but will never have the beauty and fluidity of people who have only & only one mode seems obvious to me. In addition, and is a step that is critical for understanding speech, hit in the MMA is very different from when you do not risk the takedown, the low kicks and knees.

the sympathetic reader Marco and striking to any other fans who do not understand that what happens in the cage can not replicate what you see in the K1 or mondiali WBA , ricordo che è normale fare di questi errori di valutazione. Tutti noi giudichiamo in base a quello che sappiamo, e la mancanza di esperienza diretta uccide qualunque briciolo di oggettività. Io mi ricordo quando, al tempo in cui insegnavo Muay Thai,
partecipai al corso per allenatore di Boxe
FPI ; eravamo in molti a provenire dalla Kickboxing (vari stili) e coi pugili puri -in minoranza- si creò attrito in quanto ci guardavano dall'alto in basso. Dai e dai nelle infinite domeniche chini sui test si sprigionarono scintille e il miglior amatore dei pugili, un solido atleta in activities, technical and match with lots of assets, said openly that it seemed to him that the rest of us "
anyone take a decent guard and can carry a hat-trick worthy of the name. "

He was told that it was not like that when you change and amp the technical log to blend different kicks la festa ma niente: scattò la sfida. Siccome io di situazioni del genere ne avevo già viste succedere molte causa ahimé l'età, non fui sorpreso da quello che accadde. Nella pausa pranzo il pugile si misurò con un coach di Muay Thai a riposo, più basso e parecchio più in là con l'età. Come andò? Il tecnico pugile poverino cominciò a rimediare una selva di zampate nelle cosce e ginocchiate, andò subito in bambola e si sbragò total
mente, diventando brutto a vedersi -senza guardia e coi colpi singoli a smanacciare- finendo barcollante sulle gambe, senza compasso e a braccia basse come un pischello al primo giorno di ring mentre il kickboxer, untouched, elegant dancing on the tips like Cassius Clay .

The moral of the above reasoning is obvious that those who have four ways to train more specifically, the bouquet of MMA will not have the time to perfect the only Boxing as a specialist and will therefore be on average less good at that. That said, however, it is good to know that even the most technical of the boxers put in the octagon will necessarily have to change his art and make fists sparagnina, change the guard to defend the projections and kicks. To the untrained eye seem to be little to move his hands, but instead the relevant note the tremendous skills of those samples that Marco seem rough, and prestressed
the ISCE 'strike with incredible technique requires that the effectiveness of a BJ a Carwin or Velasquez in those occasions.

Best KO in MMA have historically scored almost always as strong grapplers Fedor, and I expect that the trend will continue, as well as boost the importance of best possible training in the boxing elite.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Black Hills Gold Jewelry

"Condominium Management 2010" by Buffalo ... but how much does it cost?

I've got to say a few words to review for the software dedicated to managing Condominiums. The field is vast and the offer is really varied, there's something for all tastes and budgets.
In some cases you get to spend very high figures for programs that also have characteristics similar or even significantly lower than programs much cheaper. Sometimes there are even distributed free of charge (often with restrictions on the number of condominiums managed demo or shareware). Those who read my stories on this topic will be aware that where there are downloadable demos do not think twice before testing them, now I'm really into. I am currently using
Softamm (free version), but I find that there are limits that I had not evaluated well (for example, you can manage multiple quotes extraordinary but not extraordinary items in the same block. Bottom line: the final accounting period includes all that temporally located in what is referred to in the ordinary, consider what happens if you manage ordinary from 01 January to 31 December 2011 and outstanding from 01 November 2010 to April 15, 2011 ...).
So I started to look at other options and I also wanted to inform management software on Buffalo.
I found on the website page dedicated to the Buffalo " Condominium Management Software 2010 " with the possibility to download even a demo with the only limit to 10 management units, and I like the feel. To purchase
Buffetti requires passing through a store affiliated with them (you can buy online). Buffalo
The first shop that I consulted told me that there is a program of Modular Software "block" with cost from € 129.00 including VAT which they sell a lot of branded software in place Buffalo.
Honestly I have nothing against the software module, but I find that if a particular request such information on a product you will be told that there is an alternative without getting any response to the specific request made, but how much is the management software Buffalo?
So I peg away and I called directly Buffetti number 06/231951, he replied a polite operator who tried to get in touch with the sales manager (it was 17.00 on a weekday) ... waiting in vain, the head was not in the room. Recall the following day in the morning and give me the phone number of the agent distributor ... I call him and that tells me that I go to a downtown Buffalo ... I insist and I repeat the question: How much does' I am the program?
Eventually I was told that " Condominium Management 2010 " original Buffetti costs € 99.00 + vat with restriction of use to a single PC and two blocks (no limit of units), must go to the store to get it as close as Buffalo .
I go back to the neighborhood store and tells me that I can put you in touch with the seller related to another shop Buffetti that then I would send a technician (within a week) at home for the installation, again I propose the ' purchase of the alternative software modules, say no thanks.
Saturday morning I find who I can sell the product but not on Saturday ... they were open on Saturday but you can not enable management!!
Monday accidentally step in front of a shop outside Buffalo that says "Management", within two minutes in and purchase the program, you pay € 118.80 including VAT, the seller tells me that I'll have to call to inform the serial number of the PC which will install the program and within 12 hours will give me the activation code.
the end it seems that I've done it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Usa Wrestling

Happy Birthday Riccardo Cocciante

Many Wishes Happy Birthday Riccardo Cocciante who turns 65 today. Born February 20, 1946 in Saigon in Vietnam from an Italian father and French mother, is a singer, instrumentalist and composer who has done I believe the true history of Italian music. In a way, is Italian by adoption, as it tr aspherical with his family in Rome at the age of 13 years, and where he had his magnificent musical training, making it a truly exceptional artist and complete all effects. Indeed, throughout his life, has always made a double identity "Italo-French," the fact that his mother was a native of this country. In fact, in his beloved France, the country where he now lives, dedicating themselves to the popular works, is known as Richard Cocciante. Having some really amazing talent as composer and an excellent piano technique, achieved from 1972 to the present day, dei brani e degli albums eccellenti, che hanno lasciato un segno fondamentale nella storia della musica del nostro paese, partendo da un Progressive Rock/Pop molto leggero, fino ad arrivare a delle sonorità più rocheggianti, tra la fine degli anni '70 e l'inizio degli anni'80. E non finisce quì! Costui possiede una voce molto forte e potente che, con il suo modo carismatico di cantare con rabbia, ha veramente creato uno stile del tutto unico, a tal punto da non invidiare proprio niente a nessuno. Voglio molto bene a questo personaggio, perchè le sue splendite canzoni sono particolarmente legate ai ricordi della mia splendita infanzia che purtroppo non tornerà mai più. Inoltre la sua magica voce rabbiosa, always gives me a touch of absolute power. Riccardo unique you are!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Number 12 On The Alabama Football Helmet


Remember the good old days of ' UFC 1? Before the modern MMA , ie when X was style against style Y? Much more interesting, is not it?

The comparison between systems defined and recognizable was far more epic and more intrigued that the stratospheric arts cage today, the ones where everyone knows everything and where do you lose so much interest in favor of performance. The current standard of ' UFC of only 4 hours you would laugh if the time-teleport to the place of one of contenders of the first UFC, how great was the growth sports in 18 years.

well Going down memory lane, however, helped by the video, you can make very specific considerations on the disciplines involved. On his debut BJJ devastated self-esteem and the traditionalists, upsetting the predictions of the unsuspecting, had an easy life, showing first that there was difference in effect between art really fighting total and so-called "fantasy -based martial arts. " The Jiu Jitsu then imposed itself with net detachment to the other, 3 modes, which then flowed into metasintesi intermodal later, the Mixed Matial Arts today precisely:
1) Olympic Wrestling
2) Muay Thai
3) Boxing

These days, I reflected on how much space is increasing the level of technical and athletic in BJJ than the other three sisters.

I do not fear looking like a denial Jacaré today could beat using just one hand the poor Royce Gracie in 1993 with the spine divided in half. The man was then invincible now would be horribly raped in BJJ in the cage and all its paripeso samples of 2010, as a tie knotted and thrown to the side of the mat / ring like rag!

We can say the same thing the other way?

There is now a champ wrestler who is playing with Karelin or a boxer who toyed with Tyson ? NO. According of all the experts the super-samples emblematic of the historical period that I used as an example not find any character that today they can emulate, and in general the overall level of competition and technology in individual modes is lower (in absolute Boxing) .

The growth that is intervening in a few years since its boom in art is a suave superluminal speed, while the other arts-in-time already developed remained static or have perhaps recoiled. The reasons for this apparent staus quo are many and varied, but it helps a lot in my view that the Jiu Jitsu with his technical log potentially infinite and the federal organization does not exist a multicenter-CIO Almighty BJJ and / or regulation in the hands of a few old-barbogi gives expression to the possibility of many more people and personalities. The progress is stratospheric, which was among Royce Gracie and his nephew Roger not seen anything like from Cassius Clay to Klitschsko also and especially because the Jiu Jitsu does not place limits mentally and pronounced that the sectarian drafters of how to bring their sport.

In Jiu Jitsu has certainly come a long road and more quickly in the fact that the sisters when he had already exploded limbs well developed and branched in the world, I do not deny I'm sure, but the sad downward slope that some arts have taken in terms of public and their average level due to mismanagement is certainly an attitude that "confessional" necessary powers of attorney. When you say - and I think eg. Judo at the beautiful - that this technique is ideal and unchangeable because the sensei said Kano 120 years ago-you get straight to the cult martial, and the sects are also governed by clever men and stupid. The sanctum sanctorum of the Judo at the IOC it has every right to change 3X2 all the rules, to the most illogical and self-destructive choices, motivated from preventing that necessary changes that would destroy the priestly caste, however, that the closure of lives.

The birth, growth and the inevitable decay and death are the common heritage of all living beings, whether they are mono, multi or social as an art or a group of men. To prevent the disappearance of a species Nature has invented reproduction, creation of a new individual that carries the DNA of the parent into the future. The Jiu Jitsu at the time proves that he has the vitality of young and energy, and in fact has generated a welter of MMA and its subvariants. To prevent the stiffening and death without renewal practitioners, teachers and supporters must ensure the emergence of figures of "enlightened" Omniscient, totalitarian caste (endogamy) and instead encourage more open-mindedness and research without pretense theocratic effectiveness of single combattiment o.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is It Ok To Pray In The Bathroom?

Happy birthday to Peter Gabriel

Many Happy Birthday Wishes to Peter Gabriel turns 61 years today. Born February 13, 1950 at Chobham in Surrey County in England, is a singer, composer and instrumentalist British. He is known all over the world public for being a member, founder and leader, from 1967 to 1975, the legendary ... Progressive Rock group Genesis, which was also the author of the magnificent texts. It 's a fantastic singer, with a beautiful voice made its tailored to the band's style, which often was accompanied by the sweet timbre of the flute, he just played. Virtuous character, charismatic and above all very eccentric Progressive famous scene of those unforgettable years, which gave not only a truly elegant touch of class in the music, but also a look at all the concerts of this historic theater group, determined by the so-called "transformation," phenomenon characterized by special costumes and a trick on. After publishing the first seven albums with Genesis, which I would call the "masterpieces" that have no age, Peter Gabriel decided to continue his extraordinary career as a soloist, also devoted himself to record production. Always great!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Using A Transverse Engine For Off Road Buggy

THE JIU JITSU is the pedagogy of 'EMBRACE

As I explained in many different ways, the Jiu Jitsu in general and the struggles are rightly regarded as methods of educational excellence for young men. The Judo in Italy has, fortunately, quite a success among the masses analfa-televisionizzate and still holds, while the Fight Greek-Roman and freestyle - the best sport in the world for kids after BJJ - was 'committed suicide' by thieving reprehensible caste imposed by the occupying enemy.

E' quindi tutto sommato, non si sa bene perché, diffuso anche nella povera italietta, servitrice peggio di Mirandolina, il senso di portare i fanciulli sulla materassina. Ho la sensazione che perlopiù si tratti di un modo pecoresco di trovare la maniera di sbolognare il pargolo un par d'ore, ma certo ci sono eccezioni. Il lottare ancora ispira le famiglie e forse per qualche anno a venire ci sarà spazio per diffondere il Jiu Jitsu tra i minori (come anche noi di Centurion stiamo facendo).

Dozzine di volte ho ricordato che la Lotta è stata la base educativa di TUTTE le civiltà elevate e quindi sorprende un pochetto che la devastata barbarie nostrana abbia un milligrammo di sostanza similare all 'Atene periclea, alla Rom a di Augusto , quindi non mi resta che star lì ad analizzare il motivo fondante della centralità delle arti dell'abbracciarsi.

Cominciamo dal DNA. La specie umana e molte dei mammiferi hanno nella lotta il principale interactive method between the puppies. Fighting is NOT a sport, just look for lions or gorillas in the documentaries to understand the game and social learning and motor are carried by this genetically programmed activities.

Secondly, please note that the human hand has no natural use of percussion, is a delicate and very fine, and that we are missing claws or fangs: the 'human being is a natural grappler. Any inexperienced man taken from spawning murderous attack another person without a technical jitsuka: mena slaps and kicks, closes the distance and clings, bringing the opponent to the ground where will the 'Finalizing' strangling or ground & pound of ignorance: to fight is undoubtedly the way human genetically programmed to fight with bare hands.

In practice, it is natural to fight and then a pedagogy that would not discipline and order at least insane. A society without a fight would be unhealthy and crooked company, and in fact does NOT exist as a culture and microscopic device that does not see the puppies and adults struggle of man 'race' in their natural way to establish the hierarchy. Of course non vi sfuggirà che in tutte le lingue "lottare" è equivalente a combattere, contrastare qualcosa e qualcuno, e che non ha nessuna sinonimìa con giocare, divertirsi, svagarsi. Si gioca al calcio, alla bocce e al dottore ma non si gioca alla lotta.

Il bambino impara a vivere rotolandosi con gli amici, impara gli schemi motori necessari alla sua crescita e apprende a situare se stesso all'interno del gruppo di suoi pari: lottare è INDISPENSABILE. Cosa insegna questa attività intrinseca della nostra specie, oltre che schemi motori e abilità combattive? Insegna a PERDERE. Attualizzando la sconfitta a ogni allenamento, inquadrandola and rooted within the context of a 'regulated' the little man does that form of self-education that the Cosmos has provided for us. Joking with the fight actually performs the most serious of all tasks, the stabilization of the personality through trial & error, giving the chick in a kimono strategy to get used to physical contact with the stranger and so manage his departure from castrating even loving maternal embrace. Hit it and a departure in the growth and the child has an absolute need of feeling the opposite, there being able to hug a stranger without fear, to stay on his feet in a swirl of hormones and feel able to manage schockante Touched by an 'enemy '.

Society as a whole when it is based on healthy individuals psychologically balanced, men with controsfere, trimmed as much as possible from the small frustrations and fears, but that excessive and dangerous aggression distinguishes those who did not have male figures of reference during its development. Adults with temperance and gravitas have learned from his father growing up, the males of the family and from a number of instructors to masculinity that the traditional cultures of each era have specifically identified in the inquiry martial / military. The human race is a kind of group of hunters, like wolves o sciacalli, ed è strutturalmente necessario che la normale tendenza al lavoro di equipe sia cementata da attività in cui i singoli membri del gruppo si scontrano senza eccessive ferite, al fine di enucleare il leader e le potenzialità dell'asse gerarchico.

L'adulto ha programmato geneticamente la necessità di insegnare il suo vissuto alla nuova generazione quanto il virgulto di apprenderlo, ed è solo nella lotta che l'arte del corpo -come prevista da Madre Natura- può essere davvero passata dal vecchio al giovane. Insegnare così come apprendere è un tratto geneticamente predeterminato nei mammiferi, l'essere umano nasce scholar and teacher, and his genetic code that wants to teach through sounds and gestures, especially with the touch as well as by sight.

The Jiu Jitsu, thanks to the genius of the masters, came to us as a specific cultural form but embodies a natural trait-specific, and take the roll together. The natural softness and pliability of the pups in play-fighting was observed, coded and implemented by creating a method that transfers the playful quality in a context of survival, making it more immediate and practical than other systems because genetically programmed instinct and not rational construction without a strong base in the DNA.

Very often we hear, and with good reason, that only in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (or natural if you prefer) is a rule that an expert practitioner minute, but with defeat ease a big but clumsy beginner, without apparent muscle strain. The direct observation confirms that sketch of 60 kg twist heel weightlifters taking them to 100kg without specific training, all without the need-not be eliminated in the arts of striking (or cultural) - Grossoni have to hurt the guy. This softness and tranquility are the hallmark of a method that creates forti strutture di sostegno nella psiche dell'atleta, di un'arte che confacendosi alla natura umana più vera migliora l'adepto sotto tutti i punti di vista (soma, psyke, nous) e dunque adempie alla richiesta di qualunque pedagogia illuminata.

Clip Art Yamaha Rhino

Happy birthday Happy birthday to David Shulman

Many Merry Birthday to Derek Shulman who today turns 64 years. Born on 11 February 1947 in Glascow, Scotland, is a British multi-instrumentalist and singer, famous for being a member and founder in 1970 with his two brothers Phil and Ray, the legendary Gentle Giant, another group of Progressive Rock, compost or excellent musicians with a good preparation and a great ability to carry out their songs and their mini-suite. In reality, he, along with his brothers, had just returned from a band chiamata Simon Duprèe and the Big Sound, che si affermò verso la fine degli anni sessanta e da cui cominciò la sua brillante carriera musicale. E' un cantante straordinario, ed avendo una voce molto particolare e potente, ha sempre ricoperto il ruolo di cantante principale fino al 1980, anno dello scioglimento dei Gentle Giant, contribuendo ad arricchire lo stile della maestosa musica della band. Non solo! A livello di strumentazione, sì dedicò all'utilizzo frequente sia del basso elettrico che della chitarra acustica. Dopo l'esperienza da questo magnifico supergruppo, che ha rappresentato l'esperienza più importante e significativa della sua vita, Derek Shulman decise di voltare del tutto pagina, vestendo i panni di produttore discografico. Always unique!