Saturday, March 15, 2008

Roseville Ca Gay Cruise Spot

Ceratophrys species

Who is it?:
Ceratophrys This is a big frog from South America, most common in Argentina. Can reach considerable size, even 21cm. It is characterized by a large round body, short legs and strong private and agility of the frog. They spend the majority of their time sunk into the ground wet waiting that kill their prey with powerful jaws. They are poor swimmers and enter the water only during the breeding season. The
Ceratophrys is active mostly at night.

Ceratophrys The frog is a very aggressive when disturbed emits strong croaking like the barking of a dog and tries to bite the attacker. It should be handled with care because an adult can do much harm to happen badly. He fossorial habits and rarely travels more than 5-6 cm per year. Do not try to live together with other species.

The terrarium because of his poor motor skills may be relatively small even for a sample flatter. For each Ceratophrys may be fine in a terrarium 40cm x 30cm, height is irrelevant, for a couple at least 50cm in length. The furniture will be Spartan: mostly flat with a substrate of peat, some rocks and moss makes her happy. E 'useless furnish il terrario con tronchi o rami, le toglieranno spazio e non verranno mai utilizzati. La zona acquatica dovrà essere poco profonda e dotata di un filtro, infatti, la Ceratophrys defeca nell'acqua in cui si abbevera, per cui devrete tenerla pulita. Piante basse e cespugliose saranno ben gradite dall'animale. Una lampada riscaldante facileterà la digestione . Temperatura ideale 25-27°C


La Ceratophrys è un rana molto vorace, da giovane va alimentate a grilli, ma, dopo pochi mesi mangerà già i pinky. Man mano che crescerà bisognerà adattare la preda alla sua taglia, il topolino sarebbe meglio che non superasse, come lunghezza, la metà della rana, ne rallenterebbe la digestion. You can feed it to mice, grasshoppers, meat or fish, try to vary as much as possible. Be careful not to overdo the quantity. Too much food or too low temperature of the terrarium can cause intestinal blockage.

Reproduction: In spring

after sending the animal brumazione and having simulated artificial rain.


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