Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby Congratulation Card Etiiquette

My crib

La foto non rende abbastanza ma vi assicuro che quest'anno il nostro presepio è venuto proprio bene.
Sono convinto che quando ci mette le mani solo Enriqueta viene sicuramente meglio, infatti più lo guardo e più non riesco a fare a meno di pensarlo.
Nell'immagine qui a fianco si vede solo uno scorcio della natività, le statuine sono di terracotta, le abbiamo dipinte io e mia moglie più di dieci anni fa, ce ne sono molte altre, di varia misura per creare effetti prospettici, poi ci sono le case fatte con centinaia di sassolini colorati che abbiamo incollato su una base di cartoncino, poi c'è il pozzo, decine di personaggi in resina piccoli piccoli che affollano la piazzetta con i loro mestieri cristallizzati in time ... a true wonder!
Our crib is the ever unfinished, every year we added something, then I'm sorry a bit 'which for some Christmas in this part of the entries were really little. The time is never enough and traditionally we "work" only on December 8, at most until the following Sunday.
There is also the Christmas tree at home, strictly synthetic, because when we saw dry two or three of us was crying my heart and watch the slow agony, Christmas should be joyous, you can not carry the death home and festively decorated with a thousand luccichini and colored rhinestones!
So spend the holidays, we find people who eat only once you see year, some even less frequently, as our friend Federica, who has since moved to Belgium was a bit 'away from us.
course called the feast is a big word, more like parties are interspersed by commercials dull day, children at home that is strange because they would like to just play and instead must also do their homework, the usual problems that overlap more and more and more My crib ...
its function the place very well, just get close to them every now and see those slices of life from so far away now as we are yet still so real for a few minutes you spend all.
today are like that, I was writing these things to a lot time, I have recently increasingly difficult to carve out a bit 'of time, not because I always do (I'd be lying), only that it is increasingly difficult to evacuate the mind to devote himself fully to the things that give us satisfaction. Moments of deep thinking you're just there to combine the brain without any good there are always many in the day, if only we will recover at least half of those moments would be a great recovery for the quality of our lives.
Waynes wrote (I've already mentioned on other occasions) that the problems be addressed and resolved, it is useless to be there to pre-deal themselves that there is no solution to all our troubles, so if you really ... had better devote himself to something more satisfying. In a nutshell: If you see that the mountain collapsed on him, moved quickly. If not then you have no way out ... best to fully enjoy those last moments. This is true Pinacomedier guys!


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