Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Constant White Discharge Week Before Period


"Hello Mario,
are scarce but a regular practitioner of boxing and follow le MMA dalla loro nascita e da sempre mi ha richiamato l'attenzione la pochezza della preparazione pugilistica dei contendenti.

Se togliamo l'Alessione nazionale,che affezione degli spiumini alle mani a parte,è l'unico che sappia veramente boxare,gli altri sembrano tutti dei brawler da bar...
Avendo fatto qualche lezione qua e là di lotta e bjj non mi so spiegare se la mancanza di preparazione nella boxe derivi dalla differenza di postura imposta dalla lotta o dalla mancanza di tempo per allenare questa distanza.
Tu che sei sicuramente più experienced than me and many can you explain why virtually no one in cages hold a decent guard and can carry a hat-trick worthy of the name? Among other things, are all athletes, not the monster it would take much ...

Thank you in advance.
Marco. "

Based on this interesting question asked by the reader of the blog by asphyxiation with my other considerations to freewheel.

" You can not pre-conceive what you can not con-ceive " is a maxim that every man in the world should be repeated in the mirror every morning, always remember how the ' eye of the beholder to be wrong 99.99% of the time in the evaluation.

The friendly Mark is a fighter, look at the MMA but not with the mind sees what is happening. Shows that everything in his scheme, consider an activity which has no direct experience or specific training. His is a demand not only legitimate but also interesting, and I thank him of having done, I'm not denigrating. I too many years years ago when I was a student of boxing and the striker had the same impression, and it took me the predictions and the finalization taken on my Pellacchia to really understand what my teachers were teaching me a voice.

I remind you that I wrote hundreds of articles to explain how the fight is not only the basis of every human being, by definition, unarmed combat, but also why in the case of MMA Anti-feet and the ground-is the dominant part of the bouquet of skills you need to win. Recently, I also explained how the current dominance of Wrestling is determined by regulatory reasons as well (gloves, rounds, etc. need of TV.). Will however be sufficient to analyze the samples of the main curriculum and the course of the match more significant to understand that dominates the MMA grappling for a good 70-80%. The best striker in the octagon are - with a few honorable exceptions such Anderson Silva - paradoxically converted all grapplers. It is a fact of life, as it is a fact that boxing's past success with the cage there are none. Why? All this seems even more absurd when you see how important the skills Boxing nel determinare vittorie e carriere nelle MMA, e di quanta enfasi si ponga nel ricercare i migliori professionisti del settore per migliorarsi da parte dei campioni.

Ricapitolando: la Boxe conta sempre di più nel 'mixed' però i pugili fanno figure barbine e i megacampioni, iperallenati nella Noble Art e superseguiti dai migliori coach di Boxe s ulla piazza non incidono questa gran impressione sulla retina dell'appassionato. Perché?

It 's the fight standing where he is going to decide the match, the wrestling keeps down the striker and the jitsuka, then, is the meta-ability to read the three aspects of MMA, and it is difficult at this point understand how the athletes from this mode are the most numerous to make a good impression caged. However, this does not explain why good amateur pugilotti not inundate the ranking of the minor leagues learning to fight in the academies, and above all does not tell us why the Supercampione (from better trained teachers) do not show the most beautiful of the simpering technique which indeed are capable training.

I have already explained, grappling is not a sp rt or , not only learned a technique but a real natural instinct, which encode wrestling and nothing else. Hitting the other hand is a skill that only a small part of the innate and then anchored it to be imprinted from an early age behavior that is artificial and the other fixed sull'allontanare. A great boxer as a great grappler, someone who trains as a child, but the habit of clinch and roll around with others if repressed childhood after it is almost impossible to re-initialize the adult. I like all the coaches I know from experience that any good wrestlers are taught acceptable smattering of striking in a short time, while an almost desperate to be able to install a passable job of fighting a seasoned boxers. The physicist, the motor patterns of the grapplers are light years above the conversion work in mixed, and then pure boxers, technicians will always be few in the octagon. Fighting for the human being is 90% combat, the man is a natural grappler, you know.

Due to an apparent technical progress the sport, when the dominant styles of the fighters-down and become good wrestlers jitsuka able to project well-it is obvious that something more than the that will in excess from the basket, and then striking! Samples must therefore learn to move and to exchange loose like a good boxer, but will never have the beauty and fluidity of people who have only & only one mode seems obvious to me. In addition, and is a step that is critical for understanding speech, hit in the MMA is very different from when you do not risk the takedown, the low kicks and knees.

the sympathetic reader Marco and striking to any other fans who do not understand that what happens in the cage can not replicate what you see in the K1 or mondiali WBA , ricordo che è normale fare di questi errori di valutazione. Tutti noi giudichiamo in base a quello che sappiamo, e la mancanza di esperienza diretta uccide qualunque briciolo di oggettività. Io mi ricordo quando, al tempo in cui insegnavo Muay Thai,
partecipai al corso per allenatore di Boxe
FPI ; eravamo in molti a provenire dalla Kickboxing (vari stili) e coi pugili puri -in minoranza- si creò attrito in quanto ci guardavano dall'alto in basso. Dai e dai nelle infinite domeniche chini sui test si sprigionarono scintille e il miglior amatore dei pugili, un solido atleta in activities, technical and match with lots of assets, said openly that it seemed to him that the rest of us "
anyone take a decent guard and can carry a hat-trick worthy of the name. "

He was told that it was not like that when you change and amp the technical log to blend different kicks la festa ma niente: scattò la sfida. Siccome io di situazioni del genere ne avevo già viste succedere molte causa ahimé l'età, non fui sorpreso da quello che accadde. Nella pausa pranzo il pugile si misurò con un coach di Muay Thai a riposo, più basso e parecchio più in là con l'età. Come andò? Il tecnico pugile poverino cominciò a rimediare una selva di zampate nelle cosce e ginocchiate, andò subito in bambola e si sbragò total
mente, diventando brutto a vedersi -senza guardia e coi colpi singoli a smanacciare- finendo barcollante sulle gambe, senza compasso e a braccia basse come un pischello al primo giorno di ring mentre il kickboxer, untouched, elegant dancing on the tips like Cassius Clay .

The moral of the above reasoning is obvious that those who have four ways to train more specifically, the bouquet of MMA will not have the time to perfect the only Boxing as a specialist and will therefore be on average less good at that. That said, however, it is good to know that even the most technical of the boxers put in the octagon will necessarily have to change his art and make fists sparagnina, change the guard to defend the projections and kicks. To the untrained eye seem to be little to move his hands, but instead the relevant note the tremendous skills of those samples that Marco seem rough, and prestressed
the ISCE 'strike with incredible technique requires that the effectiveness of a BJ a Carwin or Velasquez in those occasions.

Best KO in MMA have historically scored almost always as strong grapplers Fedor, and I expect that the trend will continue, as well as boost the importance of best possible training in the boxing elite.


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