Sunday, February 20, 2011

Usa Wrestling

Happy Birthday Riccardo Cocciante

Many Wishes Happy Birthday Riccardo Cocciante who turns 65 today. Born February 20, 1946 in Saigon in Vietnam from an Italian father and French mother, is a singer, instrumentalist and composer who has done I believe the true history of Italian music. In a way, is Italian by adoption, as it tr aspherical with his family in Rome at the age of 13 years, and where he had his magnificent musical training, making it a truly exceptional artist and complete all effects. Indeed, throughout his life, has always made a double identity "Italo-French," the fact that his mother was a native of this country. In fact, in his beloved France, the country where he now lives, dedicating themselves to the popular works, is known as Richard Cocciante. Having some really amazing talent as composer and an excellent piano technique, achieved from 1972 to the present day, dei brani e degli albums eccellenti, che hanno lasciato un segno fondamentale nella storia della musica del nostro paese, partendo da un Progressive Rock/Pop molto leggero, fino ad arrivare a delle sonorità più rocheggianti, tra la fine degli anni '70 e l'inizio degli anni'80. E non finisce quì! Costui possiede una voce molto forte e potente che, con il suo modo carismatico di cantare con rabbia, ha veramente creato uno stile del tutto unico, a tal punto da non invidiare proprio niente a nessuno. Voglio molto bene a questo personaggio, perchè le sue splendite canzoni sono particolarmente legate ai ricordi della mia splendita infanzia che purtroppo non tornerà mai più. Inoltre la sua magica voce rabbiosa, always gives me a touch of absolute power. Riccardo unique you are!


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