Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beautiful Agony Brazil


Often I return to the teachings of My source among the most important technical external Maestro Luis Carlos Valois .

The magistrate provided to the Amazonian Jiu-Jitsu - or perhaps I should say the opposite-his visit to italy colony of those who scoffed superaccademia complained of not having the full sample and therefore could not progress well in the study of suave sparring partner because of missing value and the like. He said that when he did an apprenticeship in the judiciary was, ahilui, for use in a non-place of the forest, a prefecture forgotten by God among the natives. Which was then driven away by the ambitions of powerful career out of Academia Carlson Gracie Copacabana, he found himself in a land where the name was unknown Jiu Jitsu with the water for washing.

Young Valois, however, do not lose heart and created a bracket lottatorini grass, teaching Frugoli scalzignudi of the village, which had set up a "tatami" about half a river dock. Oh, we do not believe but the 'training' which produced this led him to win the championship that year Brasilero. How, tell our readers? Exactly the same thing that spoiled italiucci asked the astonished Roman mestre rushed to the seminar.

The teacher shrugged and said he had never learned more than during the chore of paesucolo cue stick. By observing children, we pointed out, had discovered movements e 'tecniche' che loro inventavano dal niente . Certo Valois non è un tizio qualunque, si parla d'una durissima cintura nera di Carlso n capace di farsi rompere il braccio da Renzo Gracie pur di vincere il titolo, e fin qui ok. Nella sua storia però c'è una verità profonda. Il Jiu Jitsu è fondamentalmente un'arte con pochissimi assoluti dogmatici, e per impararlo davvero bene bisogna ritornare bimbi, dentro. Si deve provare l'entusiasmo infantile per questo stupendo gioco e rilasciare la maschera da uomo assennato per godere lussuriosamente senza freni inibitori della orgasmatica frenesia del lottare ludicamente con un'altra persona.

When we still feel a little callow arrogance about ourselves, we are equipped with a malleable mind and let the creativity flow. If placed in the ideal conditions to express ourselves genius appears . As you know perfectly well that the Jiu Jitsu is a natural mode of expression, modeled directly on a soft and tumbling to move young children, thereby providing one of the highest mobility of the human race. No surprise then that a talented Jiu Jitsu which was Valois, had a series of amazing insights in front of his shrewd eyes coaching the Indians minorenni.

Questo però non spiega la vittoria agonistica, e contro i mostri carioca.

Io mi sono dato una spiegazione, seppur del tutto diversa da quella che lo stesso Carlos dette (le innovazioni etc.).
Credo che nella sua 'missione civilizzatrice' di maestro jitsuka il buon professor abbia espresso un Jiu Jitsu puro e cristallino quanto mai prima nella sua vita. Il buon Valois , sincero amante della lotta e dell'insegnamento, maybe he (and perhaps repeat it) in those conditions disagiatissime the opportunity to meet a child enthusiasm, clear skies and boundless as the 'Amazon . What on earth could drag the sums peaks of art man, accustomed to the best academy in the world but a swirling flow of energy? It was the joy and wonder of the children loved the discipline to move like a tornado, lavish him with his best Jiu Jitsu, and the thing has clearly helped.

In the child's future, literally.

Tocca a noi tecnici risolverci a capirlo. Senza i bambini il futuro non esiste, neanche nel BJJ . Lo sviluppo dei corsi per i piccoli è di primaria importanza, e non solo per creare un base solida di praticanti. Il lascito meraviglioso, vorrei dire divino , che la nostra disciplina può consegnare agli esseri umani va diffuso nella maniera più proficua, e cioè passandolo a coloro che meglio lo possono recepire, i nostri under14.

Il mio carattere sognatore mi porta a immaginare un' Italia dove la sudditanza alle potenze occupanti sia finita e i costumi siano mondati da quelle forme assassine destruction of the will of individuals to their taxes (like the disease of calcium), a country where fighting is a compulsory subject at school and in which-instead of arrays calciat-tori-the noble fighters primeggino in admiration of the crowds.


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