Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seven Seas Creamy Italian Dressing Recipe

Containers ... nobody wants them in the boxes!

The subject today is clear: the many problems that creates waste disposal there is also the issue of placement of rubbish bins in urban areas.
Anyone with more than 30-40 years should remember that once the garbage bins were significantly smaller than today. I do not think the size of the containers depends only on the number of "users", we all know, rather than the "garbage" per capita we produce today is vastly more abundant than last time, this is because we are more "evolved" and therefore perfectly integrated into the vortex with S UMIST.
disposable, disposable, disposable .... and you get a lot of junk that you do not know where to put it.
But the problem now is another. By the need to have more and more capacious and numerous containers we find these huge sarcophagi of the modern era just below our windows.
From here you could even resign, but the bins are never alone, at best, at least three ... paper, plastic and generic!
Everyone knows that their height is almost that of a grown man, three bins in a row occupying the space of a small truck, then if you place them at the door the home you're practically under siege.
I'm actually telling the Roman, I am aware that among the many problems that plague my country is a quisquillia, however, creates discontent in a time when there is little to be happy if you can avoid at least the minor inconveniences may everyone gains in health.
Of course we are trying in every way to reason with the institutions, we think everyone in my building the same way (at least on this topic), so far we have answered "niet" But the hope of being understood, is hard to die.
First I called the AMA, the operator told me the protocol for opening and I anticipated that the response was negative. Not happy I have also sent an email referring to the WADA always call. Then I wrote to the municipality of Rome II, by email addressed directly to the president.
The only answer I got the AMA, after 3-4 days, I called an operator who informed me that our request would have been left unanswered, giving me the following explanation: there is a municipal resolution banning the placement of opposite the shops, especially if the food business administration. There are other special grounds. Indeed there is an agreement between the AMA and the municipalities with a precise indication of the latter by the exact positioning of each box.
Then someone behind a desk has decided to position the three boxes you see in the picture, just in front of our door!


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