Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Fast Can A Sunfish Sail


was thinking these days on a brief conversation I had with Fred ( Tisi ) on a discipline unrelated to the fighting arts. In his passionate defense of this method which he analyzed the Careca has highlighted a focal point: open source is .

Carried by Wikipedia :
" O pen source (termine inglese che significa sorgente aperto ) indica un software i cui autori (più precisamente i detentori dei diritti) ne permettono, anzi ne favoriscono il libero studio e l'apporto di modifiche da parte di altri programmatori indipendenti. Questo è realizzato mediante l'applicazione di apposite licenses .

The collaboration of several parts (usually free and spontaneous) allows the final product to achieve more complexity than it might get a single working group. "

s'attaglia The question for me perfectly to the martial arts.

The arts are the fossils' the antithesis of open source. Being born and developed as sects ( by Latin secta that is separate, disconnected) are closed-source . The Maestrone galactic existed whether or mythical figure, is that he knew everything, the perfect and unattainable. The priestly caste of religious commentators who interprets the legacy then of course this figure is derived Iperuranio absolute power over what and how should be taught. The cult martial is beautiful 'is ready, a product of market size on the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the bourgeoisie in search of psychic security outside themselves. Truth dwells in the mouths of steel Illuminati, and the more the adept becomes depersonalized and sells his soul to the group, has more chances to climb the ranks of the elite theologians style that leads the pack of zealous.

But so are all the arts of Mars?

No. I would say that the truly martial, that is interested in combat, they are indeed open-source, or tending to it. The events of Jiu Jitsu Brazilian I studied is exemplary. This discipline was born of miscegenation that made the Mitsuyo Maeda Judo, Jiu Jitsu of Fusen taught as Kodokan Judo Ne waza and Catch Wrestling encountered on the street. The Count Koma itself as a professional fighter, not as a media innovator, and we know that the pro fighters do not have time to waste with the absolute categorical, so was concerned mainly the efficiency of more than bowing to archetypal figures.

Japanese fighter from the source-code is expanded to the bellicose Gracie family , talented and hot heads. While in others the "successor" to the mega-founder Maestrone you chose based on who had eaten a snack several times with the Supreme, the Gracie is with everyone and spread menavano this mentality everywhere in Brazil. As in the Jiu Jitsu has only one that works, even revered figures like Carlos and Helio can not prevail over that of impersonal forces such as gravity, the real mother of A suave rte. The fact is that within two generations of infectious disease BJJ has expanded to five continents, and is genetically art open-source software. Masters, Maestrini and Maestroni bloom a bit 'everywhere, good and less good, but what relevance they have there and then there is not one - and never will be, an owner of the software.

Thousands of tournaments, fights in cages and simple Fights gym every day they run the program, and millions of minds as defined wikipedian contribute to a slow, albeit not straight, the progress of the product. The armlock 'absolute' is not covered, it is noted and copies what works best, and if there is no perfect technique means that an even better is possible. The infinite, unlimited, creative capacity of the human mind is at work in Jiu Jitsu and other arts functional then open. To cite one example: a friend of mine told me about a seminar USA Royce Gracie of the moments of its highest pinnacle of fame. It happened that at this event is attended by an instructor of fossil art, totally unable to fight, as Royce the knot as a piece of spaghetti and you could make a mockery of the poor fossiluomo, good tradizionaloide showed the Brazilian-defined by many a conceited son of a snooty- hand position in defense of the collar that Royce did not know and who considered brilliant. The fantasy football took the stranger and did so by turning the room with him taught to all participants his technique!

I have a teacher that I admire and respect, but as he is constantly looking for technical sources to improve my game. Seminars, rallies, gare ma anche video e libri, chiacchierate con colleghi e pure piccole malizie osservate nel randori di bimbi e cinture bianche: tutto contribuisce alla riflessione e al ripensamento del mio software, in costante interconnessione col pianeta insomma. C'è da dire che se non provassi ininterrottamente le ispirazioni e novità con vere lotte, perdendo spesso, tutto quanto suddetto resterebbe a livello di onansimo mentale o tutt'al più bieco collezionismo tecnico. Invece a me il Jiu Jitsu m'ha insegnato il piacere di non sentirsi mai appagati, mai perfettamente edotti, fallibili e sempre pronti a perdere anche col primo venuto. Nel Jiu Jitsu l'insegnante lotta coi suoi allievi, e perciò a volte perde . Questo ci consente di rimanere coi feet on the ground and also to avoid drifts in good faith, because when you exit from your palestricolo minute space and go tournaments at the butterflies mental dissolve and you suddenly, thanks to Zeus, right on the floor. This attitude is so open also produces a curious phenomenon jitsuisitico tourism, as it is fashionable to bring your kimono on vacation and go to academies stranger to discover exotic ways to practice our art. In the land of the original style, Brazil plague me pretty well but I made so many friends and gained a little respect for our Italian Jiu Jitsu, no one is ergesse to "heir to the sacred school of Hokuto" indeed, they were all ready to steal the look with any strange gringo had found that the extract from the cylinder (although it surely was not my case).

In my house it quotes the proverb: "Whoever looks is derived" and therefore I find it quite natural that on our tatami is totally inconceivable to give a laiducci large string of characters and slippery, devoted to flattery and a little practice wrestler. It enforces only those who fight well, those who teach well, who fights well, according to the results that is practical, real. A great-grandson of Helio Gracie for us can be a curiosity perhaps, but certainly If the carpet is moving like a drunken hippopotamus will spin if not none.


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