Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Best Binocular Harness For 2009

Pleurodeles Waltl

Who is it?:
The salamander Pleurodeles Waltl water or English is a newt from large, can reach up to 30cm. Widespread throughout the Iberian Peninsula and in western Morocco. It has a head very depressed, wrinkled skin and yellow dots at 7-9 ribs. The Waltl is fully aquatic. to breathe and is limited to plants that cling to the surface.

Behavior: The
Pleurodeles Waltl newt the quietest of all. Shortly territorial can live with many other species of newts, even in adulthood. It is active mainly at night but also during the day. E 'insatiable so be careful not to overdo the amount of food. Once you get used to human presence, even in nature is easy to find an artificial water reservoirs. Will soon learn to take food directly from your hands.

The subspecies
In many shops masquerading as Walt acquri are sold Pleurodeles Poiret totally similar, but smaller.


Given the large tonnage is the largest acquartio meglio è. Dovrà essere arredato con ghiaia spessa, questo perchè cercano cibo sul fondo, quindi rischiano di ingerire i piccoli sassi. lLa cosa più importante per ospitare i Waltl è la vegetazione. Dovrete costrire vere e prorpie foreste sommerse, le piante più indicate sono ceratophillum, elodea e muschio di giava, inoltre le piante sono fondamentali per la riproduzione. Aggiungere un filtro per tenere pulita l'acqua.

Sono molto voraci e si cibano praticamente di tutto. Io alterno solitamente chironomus congelate con camole della farina vive.

Depongono uova da settembre a giugno. Il maschio si mette sotto la femmina la blocca e da via the coupling.

Personal experience:

Because of their funny face, and their behavior are certainly happy one of my favorite species of newt.


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