Saturday, January 5, 2008

Welcome Letter Template Wedding

Card Training: Introduction Dyscophus Guinet

The tomato frog:

The Dyscophus Guinet, called the tomato frog, for its bright red color (unfortunately not in captivity develop the beautiful colors of an animal in freedom). Actually this is a subspecies of the true tomato frog Dyscophus Antongilli protected by CITES and therefore not tenable penalty fines salty.

This frog, widespread in Madagascar, lives in forests with high humidity (70 to 90%). The tomato has

fossorial habits, or like to stay hours building sunk into the ground and under the moss, waiting for the right moment to ambush its prey. the Dyscopus does not have great agility, rather it has its own, so this is the only way to procure large quantities of cibo senza molto sforzo aiutata anche dalla lingua simile a quella dei camaleonti.


Questa rana si muove poco, veramente poco e soprattutto di notte, per cui sarà difficile osservarne le movenze, in compenso però mangia a qualunque ora del giorno e i maschi se accarezzati emettono un simpatico suono simile ad un trillo. Se molestate tendono ad alzarsi sulle zampe anteriori, gonfiare la sacca vocale ed emettere i tipici suoni.

Allevamento in cattività:

Un terrario di 50cm per 30cm, sarà sufficiente per una coppia in quanto mole reduced from 13 to 18 cm and their lack of movement. Place a substrate of peat and fir bark excellent materials to keep moisture, Tittie plenty of moss and pieces of cork to create hiding places. It will be important to a deep water area and no motion to make that easier access to get wet as they pleased, the water area should be cleaned every two days since the Dyscopus moltittudine defecate in the water so the bacteria that will be created can lead to the death of frogs. The plants will also help them to get the appropriate levels of moisture, I recommend photos, ivy or similar (the plants are not strictly necessary since it carried no frogs climb). Then at your leisure You can add wood, stones or other, and paying attention but not prevent movement of the animal.


My tomato agree to everything but mainly crickets moths and sometimes would be better to dust the prey, which will be strictly live, calcium powder, available in every store of reptiles .


Unfortunately, not having had direct experience in this field can only say that lay eggs in summer in water mist after a period of fasting.

Personal experience:

Le ho acquistate in un meraviglioso negozio di rettili a Milano. Colpo di fulmine. Dopo averle viste ho avuto l'impulso di allevarle e........sono contentissimo di averlo fatto! Sono insieme alla litoria cerulea le mie rane preferite e grazie alla loro fame insaziabile e il loro passo buffo non smettono mai di darmi soddisfazione!


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