Sunday, January 20, 2008

Waxingjacksonville Fl

Xenophus Laevis

Who is it?:

The aquatic frog Xenopus is a native of south-central Africa. This frog of the genus pipidae, has a head very depressed, round belly and very powerful hind legs that allow you to swim fast forward and backward. The front paws have four claws slender and short ossee.Vive lakes and ponds with still water or with very little power with the seabed muddy or covered with moss. Size: 8cm male, female 13cm.

Behavior: The Xenopus

so is usually the first few days hiding under or behind the moss plants. Fortunately, once you get used to the new case in a few days. Become very greedy and start to eat all that you give.


While this presents a rather small DIMENSIONS larger the aquarium the better. In fact it is a great swimmer and never goes out of the water and you must provide adguato space for its long swims. On fondo useremo della ghiaia media ricoperta di muchio di java, molto gradito all'animale, e altre piccole piantine. Sassi o altro non sono necessari, ma di certo non sgraditi, fate però attenzione a non riempire troppo la vasca.

Il filro anche se non aiuta a ricreare il suo habitat naturale è utile alla manutenzione della vasca.
La temperatura adeguata è circa 24gradi.


Chironomus, camole, kaimani, pesce o pollo ogni due o tre giorni.

Facilmente riproducibile dopo un periodo di leargo a digiuno a basse temp. (circa 15 degrees) set at optimum temperatures gradually there will be coupling. The eggs are then attached to the furnishings in the bottom. One trick is to reduce the hours of daylight during the brumazione and add a pitcher of warm water for the reactivation of the standard conditions.


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