Sunday, January 6, 2008

Do Pedestal Fans Use Alot Of Electricity

Litoria cerulea Infrafrenata

The breakers: These

two tree frogs are by far the largest of their kind, in fact the first r add a maximum size of 12cm to 14cm and the second one almost twice as common tree frog of the genus Hyla. They are distributed mainly in the forests of Australia ', but can also be found in South Asia. The tree frogs Litoria are strictly arboreal, or spend most of their lives in the trees, down to earth riprodusi or sometimes just to find food. Unlike a frog fossorial habits, this frog hunt their prey, is able to make great leaps.

How to distinguish?:

They are recognizable facilmete because the Litoria infrafrenata has legs and a colored white line there from the mouth to the middle belly. Lior and more waxy rather stocky and lacks the white line .

The breakers are strictly nocturnal, day prefer to stay hidden in crevices in the ground or on trees, so in your terrarium will be difficult to enjoy them during the day but the evenings are very active and thanks to their considerable weight can disstruggere in a few minutes of your long hours of work devoted to furnishing the terrarium, so be sure to firmly attach the wood and branches. The Litoria can change color like chameleons per mimetizzarsi se minacciate nella vegetazione circostante.

Allevamento in catività:

Per le mie due litorie uso un terrario da 6ox50x70, infatti esse si muovono molto e hanno bisogno di grandi spazi. La soluzione migliore sarebbe un terrario sviluppato più in altezza che in lunghezza. Come al solito sarà necessario uno strato di torba, corteccia e muschio. La cosa più importante sarà posizionare legni e tronchi che attraversino il terrario formando delle diagonali. Come già detto amano arrampicarsi per cui evitare di fare un groviglio di rami, c'è in rischio di bloccarne i movimenti. La parte acquatica dovrà facilitare l'uscita e l'entrata degli anfibi e dovrà essere pulita regolarmente. Come piante consiglio quelle rampicanti che danno un effetto molto naturale. Evitare posizionare molti oggetti nella parte alta del terrario, di giorno tendono a nascondersi in alto per cui molto arredamento come: vasi, legni ecc. possono ferire la Litoria.
Dovrà essere costituita da grilli e kaimani.


Uova in acqua in primavera e estate.

Come riconoscere il sesso della Litoria Infrafrenata:

Nel maschio le zampe anteriori sono rosa o viola scuro nella femmina sono white or yellow.


Using a neon tube to 14w.

Personal experience:

The breakers were given to me by my girlfriend as a Christmas present, unfortunately, was not the best time because due to the cold, mist, and the time setting my two Litoria to move beyond just had stopped eating. As if that were not enough experts to friends asking for advice I've added a whole heating lamp to increase the temperature but the thermal shock resulting from a sudden change in temperature has virtually knocked the tree frogs. Then I moved the lamp out of the terrarium, now the temperature is optimal and are reborn as. They eat and constantly jumping. Prorpio are satisfied !!!!!!

The Litoria can coexist peacefully with all the frogs (but be careful not to make them live with frogs too small to avoid competition for food. The small ones are sure to be favored ) perfectly suit the species Ostiophillum.


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