Friday, January 11, 2008

How Long To Ship To Us From Thailand

Cynops Orientalis and Paramesotriton Chinensis

About me: I
Cynops Orientalis (Cynops: graco from a dog's snout) newts are cute small size, maximum 12cm, originating in China. They have a rounded body with a tail very depressed. In nature, attended stagnant water and muddy, with no stones. The color is black or dark brown on the back dotted with black and red on the belly (hence the common name of fire-bellied newt)
There are other species of Cynops:
-Cynops pyrrhogaster (Japan)
-Cynops Cynops cyanurus wolterstoffi ... although it seems established that it is extinct in the wild.

Cynops I are very active throughout the day, these are usually mild and easy to adapt. I'm not very hungry, but they easily become anorexic so it is advisable to feed them small amounts of food every day.

raised in a large aquarium with a depth of gravel media, many shelters and many aquatic plants including java, ceratophillum, elodea, etc.. The area has emerged to be provided, as also out of the water to kill bacteria that sometimes aquatic can invade the delicate skin at night is not uncommon to notice them raggonitolati dry. You will need a filter at low power because the Cynops do not like at all the current.
Ideal temperature: 18gradi

Usually Chironomus and moths. Younger birds but prefer the first, wrapping around some Chironomus larvae of small moths will soon learn to recognize the flavor.

After a period of hibernation at 12 degrees about a month or two without food, siriporterà slowly the temperature at optimal levels. The male will begin to cprteggiare which the female will deposit the dpo mating eggs on submerged plants.

The mystery of Cynops terrestrial
often happens that the Cynops just bought refuses to enter the water, this may be due to the stress of transportation, high temperature or simply do not need to dive (no period). Being known to be easier to keep these newts in the water all year round, I can recommend a way to "convince" to enter the water.
Leave the newt on the bottom with only a little water, the way that it is immersed, but raising his head to breathe easily. In the following days to raise the level of two fingers and add a small stone. Continue to raise the level so moooolo gradually get used to the triton high water, helping in the task of administering the food. If you could accelerate the drowning at the animele. Do not rush.


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